Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Happy Samhain


Happy Samhain, or Halloween!

Witches tea party!

Black Mountain citizens gathered Oct. 29 for a candle light vigil to remember all that has been lost from the storm damage.

Rain didn't faze these folks!


Yes that's a chicken between pieces of bread! It's name is Soup.

Sarah Vekasi welcomes everyone to her pottery store.

Aleah Chapin - Artist, a painting of friends

Yes I snuck in some of my dear loved ones in their own costumes! Thanks again to the internet postings for many of these shots.

Today's quote;

In a world so torn apart by rivalry, anger, and hatred, we have the privileged vocation to be living signs of a love that can bridge all divisions and heal all wounds.



  1. Bitter-sweet idea with the candle light vigil.I can not imagine to loose it all...
    FUN pics,haha, the chicken (Soup). And the quotes are great, too, have a happy Halloween!

    1. I didn't go to the ritual. But when Ilook at all these people, I don't see my friends at all. Wonder why. I know at least 2 who went, but they said they didn't see many friends either. It does look like a good idea though.

  2. ...I'm glad to see that the citizens of Black Mountain had a festive moment.

  3. What great costumes! Thd butterfly and the frogs are my favorites.
    That vigil, I can only imagine how emotional and yet how bonding that must have been.
    Have a wonderful Samhain, Barb!

    1. As I mentioned in last reply (which nobody reads anyway) I didn't go to the ceremony. I do think it was a good idea though.

  4. A wonderful, eclectic collection! Happy Samhain!

  5. Cute costumes! The frog masks made me laugh.

  6. Happy Halloween Barb! I love all the photos. The butterfly costume is lovely. All the dogs are beautiful too. Take care, have a great day!

  7. I trust yours went better than ours. Halloween was all but over by the time we got home in the rain.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.