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Monday, October 28, 2024

If it's on a wall, it's a mural


by Bozik in Kazan, Russia (or is it AI?)

by Peter Day and Jo-Anne Fuller - tribute to William and Henry Mashman, Victoria Pottery of terracotta and stoneware. chimney pots, urns, chicken feeders, bread crocks, storage jars. Mashman Park, Australia

Sharing with Monday Murals


Today's quote:

The essence of real beauty may be gathered from the commonplace, from what lies close around us in life. By learning to appreciate this truth, our lives will doubtless be enriched and ennobled.
       - Jiro Harada, 
A Glimpse of Japanese Ideals


The Pet Parade from 2023.I didn't make it to the parade this year. I became quite ill with a fever, and was in bed for 2 days. But I'm better now!

And a reminder that just a month ago our lives were changed forever!

This may look like a simple washed out road. But the water was high enough  to knock out the windows of the stores on the other side of it. This little trickle of water is called the Swannanoa River...well, maybe as much as calf high with maybe as much as 8 -10 feet wide usually. But the combination of two storms turned it into a raging torrent which reached the eves of houses in the unincorporated town of Swannanoa.. So I am glad I have another route to take to get to the grocery store. Whenever this bridge is rebuilt, I can use the Blue Ridge Rd. route again.


  1. Great murals. Good you are better and high water, a flood, brought Ingo after 13 years to me. I think to many a bad thing is a good one.

    1. There's that silver lining story about clouds, I've heard.

  2. Love the murals! The parade looks like my kind of fun! I love the dogs. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

    1. There must have been lots of barking and tails wagging for that event. Sorry I missed it.

  3. Oh no! You were ill again. I hope this week is good to you.

    1. I woke up (late) determined to be well today. Hope that works.

  4. ...and they can be on the ceiling and floor!

    1. OK, I never would have called them murals on the ceiling or floor, however. Mmm, perhaps you're on to something.

  5. Replies
    1. Today is better than yesterday! I'm always glad when that happens!

  6. Oh, so sorry you were sick, Barb! Do you think it is flood related? Floodwaters carry so much bacteria.
    I bought some Airborne and some immunity booster gummed. I think both of us are rundown and exhausted.

    1. Maybe flood related but I've had intermittent fevers before...which knock me out for a couple of days then I'm ok again. I will sure increase my Vitamin C and E, which I've not been eating with many fresh fruits and veggies. I've got D, Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc already.

  7. You found some beautiful murals. I always wonder how the dogs like dressing up, they don't look happy. Take care and take it easy.

    1. I'm not ever sure what makes a dog happy, but a costume doesn't make much sense, since they probably wouldn't get into one on their own. Oooh, I've never said sense and since together before! Simple pleasures for me! No costume please.

  8. Love the Tiger Burning Bright, but you have a point. The picture looks artificial. Sad.

  9. Beautiful header photo. The murals are great, the first one is well done, with a pencil/gun. The dog parade would have been fun to watch, but as you say I don't see that dogs have any fun wearing clothes. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Barbara and hope you are feeling better.


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