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Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Surviving and maybe voting

Argh! I've reached some kind of limit. First thing this morning, I wanted the warmth and compassion of a mother. Me? At my age? Well, that's the inner child who has certainly been pretty quiet while all this hullabaloo of 25 days has happened/

And now I want, desperately, a normal meal. One that doesn't have the work-around things like bottled or boiled water, paper plates so I don't have to wash them...just sit down and enjoy a meal. Sorry, going to get pizza yesterday were we had paper plates, canned sodas, and plastic forks...was just more of the same.

We're adapting! Damn it!

And surviving too!

But maybe I could drive 50 miles and find a restaurant with ice water, and cloth napkins...and a menu of more than 6 items. I'm thinking about it...


Last Thursday I gladly picked up two more flats of drinkable bottled water by a church in Swannanoa. They also gave me a bucket of cleaning supplies. I could use the bucket (but not the size large rubber gloves!) I'll give away the caustic chemical cleaners.

I was actually looking for the hot free meal which was prepared by the World Central Kitchen, behind a place I'd never been, called the Burnt Pretzel. 

There was a sparsely populated parking lot and I walked from there to a couple of tents from which people were walking with a black take-home container. I walked right up and received chicken chunks and beans and rice, and supposedly potatoes and carrots, and some cut up fruit. I also got a cold bottle of water and ambled over to sit at one of the picnic tables within a little fenced area. 

One bite of the chicken and it's dryness and whatever seasoning was on it meant I chewed for 10 minutes (so it felt.) I tried one of the funny cubes of "potatoes" and it was hard...and I thought maybe they were passing turnips as potatoes, so I spit it out (delicately of course). So I just picked up and went back to the car, thinking a good nuking and adding some barbecue sauce might help things.

But first...

right down the street, as I drove closer to turn onto US 70, there was more flood evidence. 

I tried to slow down and get a photo of the repairs near my apartment in Black Mountain on S. Blue Ridge Rd. where the bridge over the Swannanoa River had washed completely away. As I drove, this is what I could get...

Then I decided to try to vote. A neighbor in the apartments said they'd voted by parking in the handicap voting slot...so I gave it a try. First there was a funeral going on across the street from the library, and the bank on the corner had someone out by its parking lot to keep voters and mourners out. A whole lot of cars had been parked on the street as people walked to either of those venues. 

I parked next to the disabled voting slot, where a big SUV was parked doing the curb-side voting.  I was in the disabled parking slot for voting...but I'd have to park and get in line.

So guess what I did.

Yep, decided I could get behind another 40-50 people later, but I needed to eat something. So home to put some of the food into a bowl and add barbecue sauce, and heat it up. Yum. Noticed I didn't even try the "potatoes."

And Friday...I went back to vote.


The sobering photo of around my area hit by Hurricane Helene Sept 26/27, 2024


  1. I have seen some of photos on the news and online, they are devastating.
    I voted by mail and already received a notice my voted was received from the drop box.
    Take care good care of yourself, have a great day!

    1. Glad you got confirmation your vote has been counted. That's some good news.

  2. I miss my Mom, too. We´ll - luckily?- always have an inner child.
    Pizza by hand? We´re lucky, we have good tap-water.
    World Central Kitchen - that book still lurks at me - like many an other. They afre wonderful people,helping when-and wherever they can and I just bet the food is usually great? No?
    Oh, it sounds like chaos still (of course! Sadly!).
    Great you went voting!
    No Halloween here. "Bu-huu".
    Horrible pic of your area. I hope they "clean"it soon and find ways to avoid this in the first place...

    1. I went over to my "little sistah's" house this morning and took coffee and pastries, and had a good visit with sharing all this stuff. She's about 20 years my junior, but is more motherly than anyone else I know!

  3. Wow, Barb. A lot in this post. Making do does get old after a while. I wish you could come and stay with us a while, but I am not cooking much either, and my nighttime rambling with my walker would keep you awake!
    I imagine the free food places are managing best they can, but what a disappointment!
    I have seen so many videos of Black Mountain, so sad. It will take a long time to get back to something like normal, I am afraid.

    1. I guess the well meaning volunteers are doing the best they know how. So it's really hard to complain. I was glad to purchase fresh baked bread from a local bakery today, when free bread was also available. I am happy to support local businesses still. Oh it would be nice to visit you, but let's both be in better circumstances when we do!

  4. Such turmoil in every way, in your country and in your area. No wonder your inner child needs a hug. Sending one. It's all I can do to help! xx

    1. I'll certainly take a virtual hug, thanks Jenny. Last night's dream was that I was in some kind of institution, and I had 2 places I could use; a bed and a desk and chair with my laptop. I have very low priorities these days.

  5. ...if they pull off voting in NC, anything is possible. My best to you in these trying times.

    1. Our NC last vote for Blue was Obama. I sure hope we can do it this year again.

  6. Glad to read you were able to vote. Sorry to read about how trying life is for you there in Black Mountain.

    1. It's like going camping but you're really tired of all the "fun" things that are different and you're so happy when you go back home. But here home still doesn't have clear running water, and we still have to boil it to drink (if we want the tinted water inside us...I don't even want it on my skin.) Yet I heard in our county when schools start on Fri, there are 70 kids listed as "homeless." They may be in motels, donated RV's or shelters. I don't know if shelters are still open actually. I know one family who are living in the basement of their church.

  7. They're trying even though the fare isn't too good. At least you were able to rescue it -- at least in part. Sorry to see the devastation, however. I do hope you get a good meal.

    1. Thanks. I bought some chicken and wrapped it in foil so I didn't dirty a dish, and baked it, and had it with an avocado and some noodles on a paper plate, with a plastic fork. Best meal I've eaten since coming home...and I've another serving of each.

    2. I missed seeing a post from you this morning AC!

  8. I keep seeing the videos from your region. So devastating! And then there are the lies and threats of violence against FEMA. Good Lord!

    I’m sorry that things are not back to normal. It seems ironic and cruel that you are affected by climate change after putting so much work into trying to fight it.

    1. And you're right, I still think about climate change, and now about how to avoid another flood disaster in this region. I want to see some terracing of the steep slopes - think of the mountains of Peru where Machu Pichu has so many terraces. Of course here we have a zillion trees, so maybe that's a pipe dream. I just hope someone somewhere who has some input will be thinking seriously about prevention of reoccurrence of this.

  9. Glad to hear that you got to vote. I hope more people show up to vote and make the most important decision of their lives. I imagine it will take a while before things begin to look normal. I can understand how frustrating this must be. Hang in there, we are sending some positive vibes your way.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.