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Saturday, October 5, 2024

There are the critters to consider as well

Saturday's Critters...

Yes we must consider our neighbors that purr, or growl, or bark, or chirp!

People are like this, taking care of each other with loving gestures, all over the area where Hurricane Helene damaged so much.

From Appalachian Trail Hikers Facebook page, this was posted, a FYI.

Sorry to those that were hoping a few months would patch things up…
I-40 between Asheville and Knoxville…closed till September 2025
I-26 between Weaverville and Johnson City…closed till March 2025
Of course these are just rough dates, remember how massively delayed mountain construction projects are… ALWAYS

At my cousin's house in Columbia SC, there's a wonderful screened porch with a view of trees. Many birds and squirrels are there all day to greet me. Here's a rather poor photo of a cardinal who brought about 4 others the next morning. I should work on getting a shot without the screen interfering.

NC State Highway Patrol’s Swift Water Rescue Team arrived prior to storm in Black Mountain!

A bit more difficult to rescue the cat!


And animal shelters are straining also. Many pets have just been let loose, which is a terrible thing for their survival. A few motels will take pets also, and FEMA is paying for their rooms. Many of the supply trucks bring in dog and cat food with people food as well. I'm not sure if it's being given away or sold. One site is Tractor Supply in Black Mountain.

I may have shared this AI image before, but it brings together the flooding with our frequent black bear visits.

I hope everyone snuggles with their little furry critters and appreciates their love.

Thanks for hosting this meme, Eileen at Saturday's Critters

Today's quote:

Gratitude is not a mere word; it is not a mere concept. It is the living breath of your real existence on earth.



  1. The AI-bears sure show the point. As due to our travels we have no pets it is easy to forget about shelter-animals and the ones in the wild.... Thank you for pointing this out to us pet-less guys.

    1. The wild animals have now got to contend with the pets becoming feral. It should be an interesting mix.

  2. I read that our province has sent electrical workers down there.

    1. Yes, it's great to see the various workers from all over coming to help! Thanks.

  3. ...the last kitty found shelter!

  4. Hello, Barb
    That is a long time for the roads to be closed. I feel sorry for the people and their pets, they have to find safe places until the cleanup is done. The kitty in the pumpkin is cute. I found your cardinal . The Ai bear image is also cute. Thank you for your link and comment! Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. A friend from Swannanoa is driving to visit her daughter in Atlanta for the weekend, and to purchase the cat food her little ones like. No stores open in Asheville where she usually shops. No deliveries due to road problems. But the people are helping each other any way they can. One restaurant is collecting and distributing clothing. With a cold front coming in Mon. night, this is important.

  5. It is frustrating to be laid up and not able to help, even monetarily as we have extra expenses to deal with now that aren't covered by Medicare or insurance. Maybe later; i am sure they will still need help.

  6. Glad to hear that the animals are being taken care of.

  7. So glad you're safe at your cousin's. I hope you don't have to stay there too long, though I'm sure he's glad to help and you must not return home until everything is working again - water, electric, heating and all. It all looks quite devastating. An adventure in a way but not one you really want! Take one day at a time. Thinking of you. xx

  8. I like seeing people looking after the animals.


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