Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The view out my window Oct. 20, 2024. The red in the background is a dogwood behind the maple who is just beginning to turn.

Monday, October 21, 2024

Monday Murals

Saturday last I finally did a bit of grocery shopping. Hopey's is a locally owned smallish store with 2 locations in the Asheville area which sells some items that are out of date but otherwise has lots of goodies. I had just 4 items to find, jelly, bread, eggs and fish. No fish was there, but I got chicken instead. The prices were understandably higher than the last time I shopped, but it's a recovery time! And today I had a breakfast of bacon and eggs! All cooked in the microwave to avoid dirtying a pan that would need to be washed. I'm still not running hot water because my tank has the clean water from before the hurricane still in it. If I run it then it will start refilling with the current water which has sediment and high chlorine content in it. Who knows how long it will take to get clear water here. For now I have a tea kettle of potable boiled water (no sediment) for washing dishes. So I still refrain from using real ones and defer to paper and plastic as much as possible.

While visiting my friend, Martha, we went in search of murals.

This is all mosaic tiles, including some mirrors.

As a tourist I'd never have found these hidden places where Pittsboro natives enjoy themselves. There are a lot of micro-breweries there.

Actually just a fence perhaps, in Chapel Hill if I remember right.

Our continuing attempt  for a good selfie of us two.

Sharing with Monday Murals.


Today's quote:

In times of turmoil and danger, gratitude helps to steady and ground us. It brings us into presence, and our full presence is perhaps the best offering we can make to our world.



A real live "steam punk" receptionist, from 2023.


Today's dose of sober photos of my area as Hurricane Helene moved through (not where Martha lives)


  1. ...don't mess with Mother Nature!

  2. The murals are beautiful. Love the selfie! The road is really torn up, the power of water can be dangerous. Have a great day and a happy week ahead.

    1. Hope your week is also happy, Eileen. Yes, water does have the potential to be dangerous.

  3. Good luck with having your water supply return to normal!

    1. I keep forgetting to not eat/drink with the non-boiled water that comes out of the taps. So I just gargled after brushing my teath...twice! Once with the water that may have little microbial critters in it (from the tap) then really well with bottled water.

  4. Bless you! Our thoughts and hearts and prayers are with all of you in the affected areas. It says a lot about you that you created this calm wise post under such conditions. Aloha to you friend. Thank you

    1. Thanks so much Cloudia. I can't forget this has happened. But also I kind of shield myself from where the worst situations still are. It's my survival technique.

  5. ... bacon and eggs! And buying groceries on Sundays. Not possible here! Sad with the water.
    To muals and micro-breweries! We always should have gratitude :-)
    And Steam Punk!
    "Oh, boy" on the last one....

    1. Our commodity driven culture will have as many stores open on Sun. as allowed. Yes, very grateful to murals...letting art be enjoyed by the public!

  6. Replies
    1. We didn't like this one particularly, and kept trying.

  7. You found some good murals. The selfie is a winner. Amazing the damage mother nature can do. Have a nice day and week.

    1. I'm also finding I want to avoid thinking about the damage...so I feel safe. But then I know it's sort of unbelievable to happen here, and at such a scale!

  8. Very wise woman, protecting your hot water tank, and cooking in thr microwave. I would not have thought of those things. Is there anything we can send that might help you out?
    Love the murals, but the tile one, wow! What artistry!
    And the picture of your two happy faces, just makes me happy.

    1. Oh please send virtual good wishes for all of us...and mainly those who don't have a warm place yet to replace their homes. They are the ones up in the mountains still, who have been hardest to reach. The mule train has gone home now...having taken supplies to some, and rescued others.

  9. Hi Barbara, Murals are definitely a 'thing' these days. Almost every small town and some big cities have murals somewhere. I've published a lot of mural photos too but I really love the second and 3rd murals you published above. I don't know what to say about that 'steampunk' outfit... On the road trip we just completed, we did see a tiny portion of the storm's impact. Trucks and cars backed up on I-81 north trying to get on one of the few routes that allow access to NC from the west. I-40 and I-26 will be DOA for quite a while yet. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. I'm grateful that I could drive south on I-26 to Columbia SC, or come home going west to Black Mountain from Pittsboro NC on I-40. Yes, the trucking traffic must be going crazy. I've always liked seeing murals, some of which are inside as well as these outdoor ones.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.