Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Saturday, October 26, 2024

It's a bird!

Look closely toward the bottom right, he's looking down.

Here he's sitting looking up on the left center of the photo. I spied this lovely woodpecker on a tree this week, though the window, and with the iPhone enlarged to 5x, then cut and enlarged in edit...and still am not sure who he was. Grey front of head with a bright red patch from back of head, and on cheek and under eye. Grey on back,  white underbelly.

So I hope my birding friends will name the one in the maple tree for me.

A happy Dr. Schrodinger and his cat


And from Texas, actually the Alamo in San Antonio.

The Alamo in 1880, if you look closely to the right of the Hugo & Schmeltzer Grocery store.

And in 1950, young Davy Crockets gathered at the Alamo.


Thought for today: 

In an age where there is much talk about “being yourself,” I reserve to myself the right to forget about being myself, since in any case there is very little chance of my being anybody else.



Sharing with Eileen's Saturday's Critters and Sepia Saturday

Last year's pet parade in Black Mountain. It's happening this year again, today at 3 pm!


Today's sobering photo of the area around me effected by Hurricane Helene, Sept 26/27 2024


  1. ...I hope that the community has a bit of fun with the parade.

    1. Me too. We are all trying to feel a bit normal a month later!

  2. And life goes on. I love the parade!

  3. Hello,
    The pet parade looks fun! I was thinking your woodpecker is the Redheaded Woodpecker, they are beautiful. I hope your town is recovering from the storm, it does seem to take awhile to return to normal. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. The historic photos are a treasure! The storm tells us how vulnerable we are not only to Mother Nature but also to our own misdeeds and doings.

    1. I think the most misdeed and doing was the building of many businesses and apartments in flood prone areas.

  5. What fun! I'm glad the cat was alive when Schrodinger opened the box. They both look happy as a matter of fact.

    Davy Crockett captured our imagination in the 50s.

  6. Birds are fun to try to figure out. Lately we have swarms of little black birds circling this way and that way and back again and over that way and back this way. I keep wondering where they're trying to go??? Hope you get to the pet parade & it's lots of fun!!!

    1. I think those birds going ever-which-way are starlings...but the could be swifts.

  7. I do believe that he is just called a Red-headed Woodpecker. Melanerpes erythrocephalus, according to Wikipedia.

  8. Just looking back and am surprised that I left no comment yesterday, I must have been interrupted.

    Wait . . .

    I did make a comment about Schrodinger and the box, but it must have gotten lost, either on your end or mine. 🤷‍♂️

    1. Ah ha, now I'll go looking for spams. They seldom appear these days.

  9. It is good to hang out in community.

  10. I always delight in the small gifts of nature and wildlife, particularly in troubling times like this. A couple weeks after the storm I remembered that I had a wildlife cam set up in our backyard with a notion of capturing video of a nocturnal bear or two. It seemed possible that it might have caught the moment when the storm brought down the big trees onto my back porch. Unfortunately it failed to sense that sudden motion but instead a bit later it captured a Carolina wren checking out the jumble of fallen tree branches. All the birds seemed very curious about the topsy-turvy world of trees suddenly close to the ground. The pet parade is a great idea. Over the past several weeks in my neighborhood dog walking has been the best way to feel normal and real.

  11. Hi, Barbara, I am pleased you escaped the worst of Hurricane Helene. Thank you for your fun pot-pouri of fun photographs. From Scotsue.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.