Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Photos from the past

 Here are part of my collection of old photos (mostly from the internet)

Texas cowboy chuck wagon camp from the early 1900s offers a vivid snapshot of the rugged, hardworking life of cowboys during a period when the cattle industry was booming in the American West.

And Mon. Oct. 14 is Indigenous Peoples Day in the US (formerly celebrated as Columbus Day.)

1924 President Coleridge visited by indigenous people after Citizenship granted, but states determined voting rights

New York after snow storm 1888

Not very old, but a replica of a vardo wagon, with all the trimmings!

Green River Utah, circa 1890

Niagara Falls during the freeze of 1911.

Sharing with Sepia Saturday this week.


  1. Great collection of photos. I love that wagon! Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  2. ...in 1924 there were noble man and guys in suits.

  3. Thank you for a very cool roundup of yesteryear. The log house is absolutely lovely!

  4. Interesting collection. I enjoyed seeing them. Thank you!

  5. The old photos are so interesting.

  6. You do sleuth out some pretty interesting photos.

  7. Wonderful old photos. As many others have said, I love that replica wagon. What a beauty! And frozen Niagra Falls is amazing. I wonder how many times that has happened? Wow!

  8. From Scotsue - good to see you back, Barbara, with a wonderful collection of vintage photographs, each with their own story. Your banner image of the Smokey Mountsins is beautiful. .


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