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Saturday, October 12, 2024

The critters this week

I enjoyed watching squirrels from the back porch of my cousin John's home.


From Vantique
Robert Reich asks for a caption from his readers! He posts these cartoons every Sunday on his newsletter.

Maggie Vandewalle, American artist, watercolourist "Joyriding"

My dear little Panther enjoying her friends in the aquarium many years ago.

Hope all the critters effected by the hurricanes are surviving and finding foods. Imagine being a black bear in North Carolina, or a deer in Florida. Poor things.

I did see several people's real pets, dogs being walked again. And now am at a friend's house in Pittsboro NC (near Chapel Hill) with 2 adorable black cats. Just haven't had camera out when they ventured into the room. I'll be trying to capture them for next week!

Sharing with Saturday's Critters

Today's quote:
Balance must be created when taking in news media, not allowing ourselves to BECOME the bad news.


  1. A fine mix of critters! I had a customer who had two black cats and sent me pics,oh, they were soooo cute. Sadly that was on my customer´s Laptop and I forgot to save them :-( So... looking forward to next Saturday!

    1. I've really enjoyed being here with these two kitties. They sure have distinct personalities.

  2. I've only ever had a cat when I lived in a student house in London and that wasn't really our cat, it just decided to move in. I remember that it spent several weeks perched on a high shelf watching LPs revolve on the record deck whenever we played music, which was most evenings. Then one night it decided to jump down onto the turning record - there were loud screeches from both the record and the cat as centrifugal force sent poor puss flying across the room.

    1. Oh no! Poor kitty! Poor record! That is definitely a story for the books.

  3. ...Norman Rockwell is an important part of America.

  4. Replies
    1. They demonstrate seeing thing so well, then have the techniques to share them.

  5. Hello,
    A great collection of critters and photos. Love the cute kitties. The quilt is beautiful.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your critter post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  6. Thanks for all the photos and 4-legger bebes. Good that you are safe from all the storms and ensuing debris. Any timeline on when you will be able to go home?

  7. Hi, I'm thinking of returning on Sunday. Still just a plan.

  8. Ah, so you are closer to home now,

    1. Actually I'm 3.5 hours from home here. John's house was just 2.5 hours away. But this is a big triangle I've taken, going 3.5 hours from John's to Martha's house. Of course I take a bit longer than the estimated times...what with various stops.

  9. A great shot of the squirrel on the post eating. I had a cat years ago that sat on out aquarium and the cover fell inside the tank. She freaked out and learned her lesson Later on she would sit by the tank and watch the fish swim by. :)

    1. Oh my, a wet little cat that was! At least she liked watching them swim from the side also. I first got the aquarium to entertain cats, but then it was so peaceful for me to watch, and I didn't notice they weren't interested any more.

  10. I hope all the wildlife survived these storms too! What a mess! Hugs!

  11. Hopefully you will be able to return home soon. What a blessing, though, to have people you can stay with!

    1. I'm planning on leaving Pittsboro tomorrow since my little abandoned apt has elec, and water for flushing. I'll bring some water with me for a few days, but then will get in lines to have potable water with the rest of the residents. I'm bringing a few days worth of groceries to add to my stockpile that's still there, and I'm switching to paper plates and bowls, and I hate to say it but styrofoam cups to drink coffee from. That's the plan anyway. I'm so very grateful to Martha and John who offered me refuge from the storm.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.