Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The view out my window Oct. 20, 2024. The red in the background is a dogwood behind the maple who is just beginning to turn.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Some things to think about (or not)


10.16.24 by wildwoodblessing - Grandfather mountain, North Carolina, first but slight snowfall.

Oct 21, 2024 at noon. NOA view of my area, with North Carolina totally cloudless. (I wonder who drew the lines of the states and even counties, against the photo of the land!) 

This is day 31 since Hurricane Helene devastated western North Carolina.  I'm sort of wanting to understand this continued dry spell following the storm which carried so much water. Is it all used up and we now will feel drought conditions? we actually were experiencing almost a drought before the 2 storms hit us, with Helene following a two day steady rain.

"It's curious that when WaPo, WSJ and NYT do articles on the relationship between recent hurricanes, such as Helene and Milton, and global warming, they cite and quote media personalities and politicians... but very rarely talk to or quote actual climate scientists who are specialized and published in this area. Just more evidence of the inability of most news editors to grapple with actual science scholarship. It's pathetic."  Facebook post 10.24.24 by Robert Scott Horton

Comment by Elisha Lee: NOAA NWS Weather Prediction Center is a great resource as is U.S. National Weather Service (NWS)

I find these words wise, but haven't figured out how to apply them to my confusion.

Art by Akira Kusaka


Quote for the day:

Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally. The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is you.



Skipping a photo of the devastation today...but there are so many more.


  1. We having drought conditions here too. Love the quotes and good wishes. May you week be filled with good thoughts and kind people. Take care, have a wonderful week ahead.

    1. well we had a five minute sprinkle yesterday and now clouds have rolled in, but nothing is falling from them.

  2. ...I wish that Buckminster Fuller was here today to instill a sense of reality.

    1. People didn't listen to him when he was alive...but they at least named a molecule after him, the Bucky Ball.

  3. I liked the piece of art at the end.

    I looked for myself on your satellite image, but I am just off the eastern edge.

    1. We always do that, don't we? Look for our geographical home.

  4. Replies
    1. P.S. I hear you about state and provincial boundaries. It's the same with our county, with lines drawn prior to knowing what was there!

  5. Yes, those self-imposed borders. We humans are good at that. Horton's quote is spot on.

    1. According to my former father-in-law, his family once owned most of Grandfather Mountain. He grew up there. Such a nice man he was.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.