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Friday, October 25, 2024

The leaves are turning


Our sad Bradford pear tree in the apartment complex is the first to show color. Sad because it looked like it wasn't even going to have leaves this last spring, and certainly skipped the usual blossoms.

I went down Central St., hoping to see the remains of the Friend's Meeting House, which sat on a horseshoe bend in the Swannanoa River. I saw this pretty fall tree, and was stopped from going any further when I got to the group house which may or may not be relocated from it's original location.

The maples outside my windows have started to turn orange. Then overnight last Sunday night (about the 4-5th night with frost) they just boomed into orange!

Tuesday Oct. 22, 24

Thursday, Oct. 24.24

A bit of bright sunshine even makes this Bradford pear tree look pretty good.

A bit of the view from my bedroom window.

Behind the bank building are a lot of cars for early voters at the next building, the Black Mountain Library. You may notice all the blue skies. No rain since Hurricane Helene came through 27 days ago. None is forecast either. Strange.

Sharing with Floral Friday Fotos and Skywatch Friday

Today's quote:

When we trust our creative energy, we encounter a supreme kind of enjoyment—an amazement at the natural unfolding of life beyond our ordinary way of looking at things.


The photo of our surrounding area:


  1. Love all the pretty Autumn trees and colors, beautiful photos.
    A great quote! Take care, Happy Friday and have a great weekend.

    1. It's helping us look up, where the blue skies and pretty leaves are!

  2. ...stay healthy and high and dry!

    1. Good advice. I'm personally working on the healthy part!

  3. Yikes! Has that entire building been shifted by the flood? Still, the seasons continue to unfold and much of nature goes on as normal. A touch of frost certainly spurs the leaf colour to develop.

    1. Yes, many buildings floated on the surges of water. Sad to say. The colors are so beautiful now, for a while.

  4. The trees are looking very nice. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Thanks. I'm looking forward to a couple of fun things to take part in.

  5. The maples turned quickly and well.

    I don't know why my template is different than anyone else's, but if you click Post a Comment, you are able to see to whom I have replied.

    1. I only see your name, the comment, and the time. No "post a comment" comes through there. Now before I publish this comment I have a choice to hit a square that says "Notify Me." If I do that it then shows the email address that all comments will be sent to, from this blog post. It can become cumbersome so I usually don't do that. Our blogger versions must be somewhat different. I found that between the iPad and the laptop as well. But I love that you're replying...just add a "B" so I know which one is for me. Yes I just went back to check.

    2. Too late for today, actually I haven't posted today. The Post a Comment is at the bottom of the comments that have been made, not near the comment itself. On the line above Older Posts. We'll get there someday.

  6. Hi Barbara, Even here over in East Tennessee valley, we're starting to see some decent fall colors. The weather folks commented that it was due to cool temps at night and warm sunshine in the daytime. In any case, we do love seeing the fall colors! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. They are my favorite part of living in the mountains...though I recently discovered how great spring is here too!

  7. Such beauty. And then, a house in the middle of the road. Nature, in all its glory and power.

    1. A hand to rock the cradle, so to speak, and also to wipe away whatever is in the path of mud and water.

  8. Replies
    1. Me too. The blue skies also set off the yellows and oranges beautifully!

  9. Nice colors! Glad you are safe and back home. It was heartbreaking and unbelievable to see the flooding in Asheville and the surrounding areas. It is bad in Florida too, having to deal with the second storm almost 2 weeks after Helene.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.