Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Happy Indigenous Peoples Day

Browning Montana, 1910

Chief Dan George

President Kennedy welcomed the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI) at the White House in March 1963 to discuss tribal sovereignty, economic and educational opportunities, and prejudice toward Indigenous groups.


Personal note: I'm back in my Black Mountain apartment, which is just as cluttered and comfortable as ever. Electricity means cooking and refrigerating. Only water for flushing (and apparently sewers work!) So I brought some drinking water, and things to cook. One must go about 30 miles east to get many things, though Ingles, the local grocery is open. Another store, Hopey's has different kinds of things at reduced prices. I heard the laundromat has opened, as well as a pizza place for carry-out. There's a curfew at 7. We must take garbage bags to town dumpsters, as the garbage trucks all were damaged in the flooding from the storm. So why did I come back at this point? I'm aware that I am adding to a population that relies on outside help at some level still. But I hadn't planned ahead enough when I left, and two of my medications were out as of today. I could get one filled by Tuesday but the other was through a mail order pharmacy, and I didn't want to go to the bother of having my prescription sent to a new address...and the delay of shipping would be probably a week. I had refills of both sitting here in my home already. If push comes to shove, I might have to leave again, especially if the water situation worsens. But that's another day.

PS. I had difficulty going to sleep last night. I kept seeing highways that would fall off into oblivion, or end in  a wall of blackness. I'd try to concentrate on something else, but these visuals would intrude, it seemed like hours. I had no difficulties on the road coming home yesterday mid afternoon. Eventually I got my 8 hours of good sleep. Perhaps some PTSD from the storm conditions remains.


Today's quote:

“We are citizens of the world’s greatest republic, a nation of ideals, not blood and soil,” McCain wrote. “Americans never quit…. We never hide from history. We make history.” John McCain


  1. I am sorry to hear there are water problems, I assume it will take awhile for all to go back to normal. Your medications are necessary, a good reason to go home. Keeping you in my prayers, stay safe.

    1. THanks so much Eileen...your thoughtful words here each day are something I do look forward to reading, as well as your two weekly postings.

  2. ...Columbus Day what an insult! Stay comfortable and safe, Barbara.

    1. Thanks. I now have family living in Columbia SC and Columbus OH. It never stops!

  3. You've been through a traumatic time; no wonder you aren't sleeping well. Still even with the inconveniences I bet it's good to be in your own space again. One thing I discovered last winter when hip was causing so much pain was to start hand building a piece in my mind. Somehow building something bit by bit in great detail would calm me and let me drift off to sleep. I also work on positive images and thought before I sleep......Suzi/smartcat

    1. Thanks Suzi for the tip. I definitely refuse to look at the politics or wars on TV in the evening now. They can wait, because I don't want those images to intrude on my sleeping. I had a great 8 hours and woke naturally just about first light.

  4. I am sure that it feels good to be home despite the continuing problems.

    BTW, Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Happy Thanksgiving to y'all up on the other side of the border!

  5. Good to be back at base, even if you may need to flit again

    1. Ah so, I'm thinking you know all about that. I can't keep track of where you are each week!

  6. Hope the water situation changes. Medications are important so it's good that you went back home to take care of that.

    1. Yep, keeping the old body running like it's supposed to is important. I'm also hoping we get potable water soon. Thanks for adding your wishes!

  7. I hope you can manage there on your own. The water issue would give me pause. Is there another bolt hole you can tap if you need to evacuate?

  8. Sounds like you are managing well so far. I can sure understand seeing those visuals. Glad you slept in the end.

  9. So glad you're back home! May tonight bring you a good night's sleep!

  10. Hi Barbara, Glad you made it back to your place... Sad about all the damage and folks suffering with lack of water and other critical items. At least your place is OK. Hopefully, you'll be OK and won't have to go somewhere else to live again. We've seen a few Frank Lloyd Wright properties but weren't aware of that one! Amazing! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.