Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sept. 20, 2024 10:45 am. Fog had finally started to burn off. New gazebo and Lakeview Senior Center at Lake Tomahawk, Black Mountain NC

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Watching the parades

 My very old TV was able to let me enjoy two parades, one of which had two commenters going simultaneously. Thus ABC showed the Asheville Thanksgiving Parade, and NBC and CBS showed the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade in New York City.

But I'll share one at a time...with my most interest in the local one, which I've never seen in person. I also have usually been busy in the kitchen during parade times...but this year I wasn't cooking for anyone but myself.

Of course the local parade didn't have the big bands or balloons of various video characters!

The Jolly Green Giant!

One of the invited high school bands...pretty good too!

At last, a balloon critter I recognized! Snoopy was in some crazy NASA suit though!

And the Asheville parade culminated with Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus, of course!

I'm actually thinking of getting a new TV sometime next year. Just thinking.

I hope everyone else had a good thanksgiving! Mine was quiet and satisfying.


  1. Hello,
    I did watch some of the Macy's Parade, in between cooking for Thanksgiving dinner. It wouldn't be a Thanksgiving parade without a Santa Claus. I heard there was a shortage of Santa's this year. Have a great day and a happy new week!

    1. Happy new week to you also, Eileen. Thanks so much for comments almost daily!

  2. Do your fourleggers watch tv with you? Ours didn't until we got a flat screen tv. My darling Breezy was entranced by dog shows and elephants.

    1. I had a cat until a few years ago...and both she and her predecessor loved to watch Nature. One would watch a lion or tiger walk off screen, and go look behind the TV for it!

  3. ...I've missed the parade for a number of years now.

    1. Well, it was canceled last year...so you didn't miss much!

  4. I don't think I've ever watched the parade, although I seem to remember it being on our TV when I was young. It's a lovely tradition.

    1. I always feel for the people standing for hours out there in the cold. I have a parade here next weekend, and may try to watch it in person.

  5. I know e’s waving, but Santa looks like he is doing a dance move.

  6. I remember watching the parades as a kid. I always liked seeing Santa at the end of it.

  7. Our main one is next weekend, but I expect I'll miss it.

  8. Too cold for me to even consider watching a parade in person. You have the right idea.


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