Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Visiting with friends

 Warning, food will be depicted!

The last time I bought one of these frozen-cook it yourself pies, we had no electricity for a week, so I had to toss the whole thing out. I was very sad doing so.

This time a snow storm was forecast in the next few days, so I bought it, brought it home, and baked it. Now I have a piece a day. It's sooo good, now that I've figured out to overcook it to make the pastry flakey, and the apples all cooked well.

There were still trucks picking up debris along Blue Ridge Rd the other day, so while waiting my turn to pass, I took a photo out the window of a former area which had mobile homes in it, now just mud flats.

One of the small ditches draining into the Swannanoa River, next to a mobile home which apparently has been restored. See the layer of mud over everything?

I don't know how this are of grass was peeled of it's mud, but imagine all your possessions also covered with this much mud. That was what happened to everyone for miles of this flood. OK enough reality, now to fun!

Another day I drove with friends to meet my 90 year old friend, Bette for lunch at Roma's in Nebo NC, where she lives. We had delightful Italian food (and I brought some left overs of my chicken parmesan home!)

My friend knows the owners and operators of Roma, and they say "Hi Momma" when she arrives. The young waitress, Blarona, was friendly and chatted with us as we were the only customers after the lunch "crowd" left. Her name is Armenian for beautiful flower. (I may have spelled it wrong, not having it written down for me.)

Then the next day I got together with 2 other friends.

You might notice I look rather shorn. I'd just had my first haircut after the disaster in Sept.

Helen jokes around when You ask her to smile!

Teresa is another year older!

And she looks much the same as she did 7 years ago.

OK, I just finished my daily apple pie. Didn't someone say an apple a day...?

I will do my cardio workout in another 15-20 min.  The snow looks like it has stopped for now, and it melted on pavements. We did have them sprinkled with salt. I'm not in a hurry to go anywhere...as more snow will probably come our way. (written at 3 pm Friday 1.10.25)

Update in our real world... The Contrarian!

January 13, 2024 by Heather Cox Richardson

Today journalist Jennifer Rubin joined her colleagues who have abandoned the Washington Post as it swung toward Trump. She resigned from the Washington Post with the announcement that she and former White House ethics lawyer Norm Eisen have started a new media outlet called The Contrarian. Joining them is a gold-star list of journalists and commentators who have stood against the rise of Trump and the MAGA Republicans, many of whom have left publications as those outlets moved rightward.
“Corporate and billionaire owners of major media outlets have betrayed their audiences’ loyalty and sabotaged journalism’s sacred mission—defending, protecting and advancing democracy,” Rubin wrote in her resignation announcement. In contrast, the new publication “will be a central hub for unvarnished, unbowed, and uncompromising reported opinion and analysis that exists in opposition to the authoritarian threat.”
“The urgency of the task before us cannot be overstated,” The Contrarian’s mission statement read. “We have already entered the era of oligarchy—rule by a narrow clique of powerful men (almost exclusively men). We have little doubt that billionaires will dominate the Trump regime, shape policy, engage in massive self-dealing, and seek to quash dissent and competition in government and the private sector. As believers in free markets subject to reasonable regulation and economic opportunity for all, we recognize this is a threat not only to our democracy but to our dynamic, vibrant economy that remains the envy of the world.”
In what appears to be a rebuke to media outlets that are cozying up to Trump, The Contrarian’s credo is “Not Owned by Anybody.”


Today's quote:

Allow yourself to be a human angel for others and also be on the receiving end when needed.

Today's art:

By Aubrey Beardsley (1872 – 1898)


  1. ...bad time at the Washington Post!!!

    1. It was the 'go-to' source for a friend who wanted good information. She is still subscribed to it in order to read one journalist's column, that she hopes remains untainted by politics.

  2. There are many defiant journalists, but I don’t know how well they’ll be heard. Gotta keep trying though. The world has taken a turn that we didn’t expect.

    1. Yes, when we gave some slight thought to what it might be like if the election had gone this way, we just knew it was a vaguely bad scene for many people, and perhaps us. But we didn't foresee anything like it seems to be becoming.

  3. I love your version of an apple a day! And I really love your still having friends to visit with. I've outlived my lunch pals. But I have younger friends, only they're still working, drat.

    1. One of my youngest friends just retired a year ago. She has had to adjust to a reality which wasn't what she expected. I hope she didn't imagine my life to be what "retirement" was like! I dearly cherish my friends!

  4. Hello,
    Not sure if I mentioned I like your header photo, pretty scene! Nice photos of you and your friends, I like your haircut. I stopped reading the Washington Post! Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. Thanks Eileen, about header and photos and haircut! Yes, we do at least have that choice, as to what source of news we read.

  5. source of news can not be corporate, that is NOT news! Al Jazeera, Democracy now -
    Amy Goodman, substack writers, are more to be trusted . BBC, CBC anything that is not corporate owned by USA if likely a good bet. The amount of propaganda is neck deep so unplugging is even a better idea!
    The best apples are NOW! The coop is full of them- easy to make apple everything these days. Freeze them for summer time enjoyment. Or dry them on strings over the register. Time consuming but that is all I have these days. time.

    1. well here we don't have apples in January. Glad you somehow do. Everything outside has frozen here in North Carolina. You're so right about the news. PBS/NPR are still publicly supported.

  6. Good for you for telling us how it is looking out your way. So many disasters.
    You look terrific. I must book a haircut!

    1. I have little hair left, so when he blow dries it, it looks great. After a day it's back to thin.

  7. I love your Beardsley and apple pie and good friendship! Yes, I had discovered the contrarian too. I want to pay attention but not be swamped by it all. I know you understand. Aloha friend, thank you so much for your companionable comments and visits

    1. I think we are what we eat...which includes the things we read and listen to...our eyes and ears as well as other senses all feed us. So I've stopped seeing any TV an hour before bedtime, and no disturbing books as I fall asleep. Just play a bit of solitaire, which hypnotizes me somehow.

  8. I would love that pie since I adore anything with a crumble or crisp topping. Apple crisp is one of my favorites! Your get together looks fun, all smiles and your hair looks great. I am discouraged and frightened by what's going on and what will happen. :(

    1. The non-government is going to take over. They've said as much. States can still step in and provide services. Just my guesses.

  9. My husband told me Rubin had left the Post but I hadn’t seen it. I’ll have to look for The Contrarian. Marcia from my iPad. Hoping this comment gets through.

  10. Ok, I join your apple a daily team! How nice to meet up with friends over food, such a treat and more special as we age, I think
    I worry about the future of journalism. It is not looking very bright. But those Fox guys nominated for Cabinet posts wi have to put their money where their mouths are...if they are confirmed.

    1. We are looking at a disaster coming down the road from DC. I'm just glad that efforts to get Gaza solved happened today.

  11. Fun pics of all of you and that is some apple a day-routine ;-)
    Let´s see how the political desaster goes on.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.