Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

State Champion as a High School Junior

My granddaughter stands with her parents at a Lacrosse game.

I visited and got to see my youngest granddaughter play a Lacrosse game last May. I had no idea how it was played until then!

Wikipedia says this:

Lacrosse is a contact team sport played with a lacrosse stick and a lacrosse ball. It is the oldest organized sport in North America, with its origins with the indigenous people of North America as early as the 12th century. The game was extensively modified by European colonists, reducing the violence, to create its current collegiate and professional form.
My granddaughter was one of the juniors on the team, so didn't play the whole game, which was mainly high school graduating seniors, in May of 2024.

Here Kate, number 8, is going in to play for a bit in the second half of their winning game.

The Liberty Girls Lacrosse team won their State Championship. Here is a cut-away with my granddaughter second from right in white outfit. I think these must be the coaches in front.

Practicing catching the yellow balls in their nets, then passing to other teammates, and finally slapping the ball into the goal...a very fast game!

Proud parents. The girls also received a team ring...much like what a Superbowl winner might wear...huge, impressive (but not solid gold!) I think this token will be displayed by them more often.

Kate is second from left holding the state trophy.

I'm so glad my son and daughter in law have supported these 3 of my granddaughters in their interest in sports from a young age. They have all followed their own interests: gymnastics, cheering, swimming, soccer, field hockey, and now Lacrosse. (I probably forgot some.)


Today's quote:

Don't be seduced into thinking that that which does not make a profit is without value. 
-Arthur Miller, playwright and essayist (1915-2005)

Today's art:

By Cory McCrory, a group of seated ceramic mermaids all in a row.

 Sepia Saturday suggests this for this January week: some school mates relaxing together.


Reality check:

WNC News & Weather published this Saturday 1.18.25:

(Black Mountain, Buncombe County NC was not included in the snow storm warning, which was given to counties west and north of us.)

Extreme Cold Watch for Buncombe County, NC, etc.

Including the cities of -
Black Mountain, etc.

* WHAT...Dangerously cold wind chills as low as 20 below at elevations above 3500 feet, and as low as 5 to 10 below in valley locations possible.
* WHERE...Portions of northeast Georgia and western North Carolina.
* WHEN...From late Sunday night through Monday morning.
* IMPACTS...The cold wind chills as low as 20 below zero could result in hypothermia if precautions are not taken.
* ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Unless the forecast changes, elevations above 3500 feet will likely require an Extreme Cold Warning, while elevations below 3500 feet will need an Advisory.
Dress in layers including a hat, face mask, and gloves if you must
go outside.


  1. Wow! I'm sure that cold like that would just simply kill me. No way I could face it with my pineapple blood. Oh well. Stay safe my friend. Thanks for another interesting post

    1. Had a laugh at "pineapple blood." You also have Kilouea spouting some heat out there in the Pacific!

  2. Congrats to the team and to your granddaughter! Great photos of your family.
    Stay warm and safe this week! Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks Eileen...hope you all keep warm this week also! And all the birds and other critters as well!

  3. Thank you,I didn´t know that sport - sounds interesting, if difficult it must be fun and you super-proud! Cute artwork, a bit quirky, I like that, as the quote.

    1. I was surprised that Lacrosse has such a turn out in enough schools that Ohio even has a state championship.

  4. ...congrats, proud grandmother!

  5. My very limited knowledge of lacrosse came from the boarding school stories I used to read in the 1950s e.g. books by Enid Blyton such as Malory Towers. I am not aware of any state school playing it now. Congratulations on your sporting grandchildren! - obesity issue there!

  6. I missed out. “No”. ! Thst final phrase should of course have read as “mo obesity issue there”. From Scotsue.

    1. I got a kick out of the typo in your correction. Hey it's Sunday! Nobody could possibly be able to type...and I am miss-reading about half of what other's posts are saying. Even the photos are kind of hard to see for me.

  7. Well done for your granddaughter! I've never watched a lacrosse game before but it looks like a sport that requires quick reflexes. I guess that the players' masks are a new innovation to protect players from injury from both sticks and balls. Ouch!

    To answer your question about when school bands began accepting both girls and boys, I think it was a transition made in the 1920s, maybe connected to women getting the vote. Many school orchestras were likely the first to become co-ed since girls often played string instruments as well or better than boys. School band programs were not common before the 1920s and I think they expanded to include girls when school athletics programs expanded and marching bands became the big entertainment used to promote school teams. Was there a band at the lacrosse match?

    1. Nope. Not at any girls athletics that I know of. Will have to check with my various other grands, and anyone who knows about high school athletics. The Friday night football games may sometimes? Or perhaps always? I'm ignorant in more than one way!

      And I was really glad that the girls had some face protection, after all the parent's expense of braces for mine, and many other girls out there! Kate unfortunately got whacked in the head playing field hockey the day before her prom last year...and had a great big goose-egg discoloration!

  8. A wonderful post featuring your granddaughter & her love of the game. Sports and music are so important for young people to participate in, teaching them the benefits & glory of working together and supporting each other in a shared cause. Congrats on the team's State Championship! :)

    1. I'm so proud of my sports loving grands! And I'm also proud of my not-sports-loving grands. Their lives have had more technology influence than those out on the fields.

  9. How wonderful to be part of a championship team. I'm glad that she was given some playing time.

    1. It was just happenstance that I was there visiting for a Lacrosse game...I would have preferred to see her play field hockey, which is a sport I played, so I know the rules!

  10. I love to see young women involved in sports, despite never having any inclination for such a pursuit myself.

    1. Before Title IX came along, and there were virtually little college sports for women, girls just took part in required PE in high school more or less. Some became cheer leaders, but nothing like the squads I see now. I have 3 grands who don't play any sports, only one is a woman. They have fun in different ways, usually playing on computers.

  11. It's one of our two national sports, but I've never seen it played.


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