Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Photos of the snow

 First snow of the year...2025. It melted on streets and walks, so some places were icy, but the sun came out and dried them up, though I don't think it got above freezing all day, Saturday.

But it started on Friday, Jan 3 in the afternoon.

Earlier: As I write this it's snowing and blowing around noon on January 3. 2025! There, I'm still practicing writing it. And due to get colder than the present 36 or so degrees. For a Friday with bad weather forecast for the weekend, there weren't all that many people stocking up on the three whites...bread, milk and toilet paper. I got out of the store without any backup and had a real check out lady. The man behind me in line didn't have an "Ingles card" which provides many discounts on various things, so I let his purchase go onto mine. If he hadn't been toothless I might have flirted with him. Geese, I could easily be toothless also. I guess I am friendly towards others, but not always attracted to them! It gets to be questioned when I wonder if my compassion is based on feeling privileged. I have to watch for that.

There were periods of heavier snow.

So I went to sleep and left the faucets dripping so there wouldn't be any frozen pipes.

Saturday morning I bundled up (21 degrees) and went for a drive..

Nope, didn't get out the window scraper after all. There was too much ice on the pavement, in the shade from the next car, for me to stand and brush the snow off.

 So I took a photo of it from inside, and waited till the defroster got some wetness happening and just windshield wiped enough off to see. 

I drove without any trouble on clear streets and parked at the top of a hill that has a couple of B&B's close to the lake, and walked down to capture some good shots (I hoped).

Do I want the squirrel's nest in this shot?

Too many branches, and signs in the foreground!

Wishing I had one of my friend blogger photographers in my pocket, I tried and tried to get a good shot. But as I edited this one, I decided it would be an ok header if I left out the snaking branch on the left.

I didn't have the energy to actually walk along the lake that day. It was pretty, but pretty cold. Let's use this for header moving into the one of the mountians next week.

Then to crop after getting on the computer...the two mallards eating seemed a good focus and I had to lighten so you could see the night blooming blossom sign (which of course is only for summertime.)

I huffed and puffed my way back up to the car by walking on snowy grass, about half a block...because the pavement had lots of ice on it. That was my serious exercise on Saturday!

Yes, I still have snow boots, and wore two layers of cotton pants. Don't ask what I had on my top, as it was many layers and a puffy coat as well. Crocheted toque for head.

Today's quote:

Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.

 -John Dewey, philosopher, psychologist, and educational reformer  (1859-1952)

Today's art:

Rocky Mountain National Park - photo by Bill Adkison

Today on Open Yesterday's Pages:


  1. Hello,
    Pretty winter scenes, I like the views of the lake and mountains.
    We had a little snow on the 3rd, but more is coming down this morning.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a happy week!

    1. Good Monday morning Eileen...I'll be looking for your post in just a minute!

  2. WOW! You're a better(wo)man than I, Gunga Din!
    Another WOW is that google is letting me be me today!🤭

    1. Double laughs here...not sure what great courage I exhibited...though I admit getting out and driving was something that required carefulness. So glad you are yourself aggain here!

  3. ...I recently learned that a squirrel's nest is called a drey. I love snow, ice not so much. Be warm and well.

    1. That's so cool, Tom, and I'll probably forget it...since drey seems stored in my memory as something to do with horses. Mmmm, one horse drey?

    2. Ah ha...one horse pulls a dray. Just spelled differently, in case anyone else wanted to know that trivia. Watch, it will be on Jeopardy soon!

  4. There are a few pros who don’t crop in post, but it is necessary for most of us who cannot get to the perfect spot with the perfect lens.

  5. Crisp and clear and beautiful- you live in splendor I must say. Brave to go out on icy streets, to the grocery where you helped a toothless human. You are good to the core~ I love your boots! All purpose, no nonsense wear. Thank you for all of the lovely snowy photos, gorgeous!

    1. Good to hear from you. Living here is kind of simple. You see just about all of my life in my blogs. I don't get to wear those boots very much these days! They'll outlast me I'm sure.

  6. That header is wonderful - as are all the other pics! But eeeeek - that is cold!

    1. It's due to in the 40s today, after some rain which canceled the schools because some of the roads might be icy.

  7. I appreciate seeing these winter scenes! Always a pleasure to be with you. Aloha

    1. Such a difference from Hawaii, isn't it? I enjoy all your tropical photos.

  8. The lake and mountain scenes are so beautiful! We got snow today and I’m already tired of it.

  9. Did I not comment yesterday? Did it go to Spam?

  10. Interesting to see what level of snow you get. Our heavy snowfalls are due to lake effect bands of snow that tend to dump a lot! This year we had two big dumps in December.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.