Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Monday, January 27, 2025

If you see it on TV, is it real?

 This is a political post. In case you are among my many friends avoiding such...fair warning!

People knew what the law was, and respected it. Even being willing to go to jail for sit-downs and peaceful demonstrations. But news coverage was limited.

Insurrection Jan 6, 2021. Many of us watched news reports throughout the day with many visuals available as live action, and then the next week more were publicized through personal videos as well.

Months of investigations by Select House Committee about the January 6 Insurrection, resulting in a public report.

Jan 20, 2025 President Trump pardoned 1500 who had been legally tried and convicted of the Jan. 6 Insurrection.


Hang onto your own sense of reality.

This man doesn't have the same one as the rest of us. We will be tested over and over as he lies about the things we know aren't true, the facts of the Biden administration being trash-talked as he did in his campaign speeches.

Always look at the primary source of information. These days the broadcast news will inevitably be "handled" to shade the orange one and his lies as true. I learned when doing ancestry work, to look for written records, like bills of sale, last wills, census lists that showed me the truth of people's lives. Yes some people added names to their own family trees so they could say they were descended from so-and-so. But these people never really existed.

Now we have to carefully sift through the emotional triggers...to let them pass by as just winged moths going to the flame, and having no merit.

North Carolina had a visit from His Majesty the Orange One this last week, as he inferred "to see how the people had been forgotten by the previous administration after the Hurricane Helene disaster." He had some (MAGA?) people who gave their own experiences of the floods and land slides. They were indeed people who had suffered. His teasing thrust was that FEMA had failed and he would destroy it. (It is not within his executive powers, no matter how much he stretches them.)

I was pleased to hear a little voice of reason on our local evening news, which had covered the afternoon press conference earlier in the day. The evening news also spoke of the $100 million from FEMA that had been used in Buncombe County for housing help and rental assistance, which gave a little bit of positive information.

And perhaps fortunately, I haven't heard/read anything about his Imperial Lying Majesty's visit to California the same day.


Today's quote:

The same people who can deny others everything are famous for refusing themselves nothing. -Leigh Hunt, poet and essayist (1784-1859)

Today's art:

Thetis  70,000 individual ceramic vases in this one monumental sculpture by GrĂ©goire Scalabre.


  1. I can not listen to the man's constant lies. Take care, enjoy your day! Have a wonderful week!

    1. They are abhorrent to the n-th degree, I agree. I only pay attention to when I hear how people are blocking his efforts (mainly.)

  2. Thank you for the picture of that wonderful peaceful march! I need to be reminded that we can do that, too.

    1. There are so many photos I also have of the women's marches in 2017 and 2018. But to put on a pussy hat at this time seems like a drop in a very big bucket of slime that we need to push back to.

  3. ...we live in mucked up times.

    1. Muck and slime, all over the various illegal efforts, indeed!

  4. Thank you for having a compass that works! God bless you and God help us all

    1. May all the sane people, gods, goddesses, and any kind of spirits help us deal with this calamity.

  5. I keep looking for bright spots - people who stand up to him - like the country of Colombia.

    1. Forget what I said about Colombia - they caved.

    2. But their President made statements that won't be forgotten, about standing up for the right. (and I don't mean a political right, but a moral right.)

  6. Replies
    1. And me! It's spread on both sides of the border.
      When did people take great pride in breaking laws?
      These people in charge don't know what real life is like for the rest of us!

    2. I do hope Canada is able to sustain it's integrity, and find a good leader for the times that are coming (and already hear).

  7. Lying liars and they send them out so fast and furious that it's difficult to keep up. Thank you for doing your part!

    1. Thanks Vicki. There will be a helpful article that I'm reposting tomorrow, from the Unitarian Universalist Women's Federation. Some liberals, some powerful women, and they have good ideas for a lot of us who want to stand for the moral right.

  8. They've been trying to rewrite history for a decade starting with slavery...it was good for slaves, they liked being slaves, they learned valuable skills. What bullshit. It's unbelievable how they are trying to portray J6 as a peaceful protest. The danger is not so much that they are telling these obvious lies but that people and institutions tasked with calling out these lies with proof have decided to support the lies instead of calling them out. The free press still exists but their voices are small and have to be sought out. Most people are too lazy or already indoctrinated.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.