Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Turning Point

 It's later than I meant to post about Turning Point.

That phrase occurred to me, and reminded me it's also a biological phenomenon. When a seed starts sprouting, there are some cells which form roots, and then right next to them are the cells which are to become stems of the plant. Every plant has this happen. A Turning Point where something gives them the message whether to be root or stem. Again and again, more cells are added in just these different ways.

So a new year is a definite turning point, at least for our society. On one side we have the past year. Many things to consider which are the roots of the next year. The stem which will have leaves is growing daily into a plant as tree, flower or crop. It will turn into whatever it's coded DNA tells it to, just as people turn into either boys or girls, or tall or short, or black or brown...etc.

Well while other people make resolutions, I just make a turning point.

I woke up one morning and thought that it was time for a turning point. So I got up at a different time than usual. I'd been having so much trouble getting out of bed in the mornings, I even talked to my physician about it. Somnolism he diagnosed it, though I'm not sure how it's spelled. He recommended I try just switching one med that I took at night to a morning dose, and try it for 2 weeks. That turning point morning was the eighth day. 

Next day I reverted to sleeping after removing the C-PAP and found I could dream during these times, sometimes. Perhaps that's my sub-conscious desire to have dreams. But the following day I again woke earlier and didn't go back to sleep.

I was encouraged however, since I had so much more time in the morning to do things. I went shopping as soon as stores in town were open. I read blogs of friends and commented on a few. Ate a light breakfast, and a light lunch or second breakfast perhaps. I felt like doing more with my day. Considering new things that I haven't even thought of before...as well as knowing there's the constant list of household tasks. (If I were a good housekeeper, I'd probably not end up with so many problems, health-wise.)

I sometimes have to let chores go when my coughing or fever episodes come on me. But I've been catching up somewhat. A regular weekly, or monthly at least, task was to clean the filters in the air handling wall units. Oh my goodness. It maybe should be weekly. The bedroom filter was incredibly full of dirty dust. It turned grey with the spray wash (thank heaven these are washable filters.) So that is a turning point kind of thing, I'm thinking.

The pile of clothes to give to whichever thrift store is taking them these days has grown, but I know many other people have lots to give away at this time (after receiving new things for Christmas.) I have a new pair of jeans which is size huge, and I should have sent them back, but thought maybe they'd shrink with washing and drying. Which of course meant I couldn't send them back. I tried wearing them around the house, and they're so loose it's like wearing sweatpants with a belt to keep them up!

They are going to the thrift store, I just decided. So I lost the cost of a pair of new jeans. I'll look at the sizing more closely the next time I buy. But wait, let's first look at the ones for sale at the thrift store!!

The first paper white bloom! In the past narcissus flowers had a pungent odor. And were much bigger blooms. But no smell I can discern. And a few days later, more little blooms on the same stem. The box cost as much as the amaryllis, but this is the only stem with blooms, and it contained just 3 bulbs, one of which didn't sprout at all.

Sharing with Floral Friday Fotos


Today's quote:

Allow yourself to release feeling any guilt about being happy.

Today's Art:

Portrait of a Birch,watercolor...by Roman Bozhkov


  1. Hello Barb,
    It seems the older I get the less sleep I get. I start doing things, like cleaning.
    I love your amaryllis header and the narcissus blooms are pretty.
    Take care, Happy Friday! Have a great weekend.

    1. Happy Friday, hope you also have a good weekend. I understand the desire to keep doing things, but I sometimes just get to bed and don't sleep for an hour or so, though I'm trying. It doesn't matter that much in the grand scheme of things.

  2. ...the last few nights I have slept well, thing are looking up.

    1. I'm always happy to hear someone is getting a good night's sleep! May it continue!

  3. Thinking of the turning point reminds me that we don't have much choice in who we become. We bumble on and try to do our best.

    1. Nature vs nurture philosophical points of discussion. I'm pretty sure I still have choices, though my biology does give some challenges! Like my choice to work on making my lungs stronger, rather than becoming a couch potato. I'm really a good couch potato!

    2. The existential question is whether you have choices about your choices. Could you have actually made a different choice at the time? I’ll bet not, but I agree that it feels like we could have.

  4. I like the idea of turning points. Food for thought!
    I think we are buying our amaryllis and paper whites from the same company. I gave up on paper whites after last year when only one bloomed. Think I will go back to buying them at my local greenhouse. For the price of the box I can get several bulbs that I know will bloom! Sometimes thriftiness does not pay off!🤭
    Wishing you a happy, peaceful, and healthy New Year! Suzi/Smartcat .........because google wants me to be anonymous!

    1. Hi Suzi. Glad to know which A-non you are! I agree, but was too late to get any bulbs this year at my local greenhouse. Gotta think of it earlier in the season!

  5. I end up listening to audio books when I can't sleep and as a result, I get up later around 10ish and don't like it but trying to get use to it. I use to love going for walks early in the morning but haven't done that in a long time. I'm just a work in progress. :)

    1. Glad to hear you're a work in progress, Bill. I love audio books, but after I forget what they were just saying or doing, it's time for several rewinds, (or fast backwards) I know I'm too sleepy to even listen. Doesn't always mean my brain will stop working however!

  6. For me I tend to sleep in too often and then the morning flies by. As to dreams I wish I didn't have them. I get tired from all the dreams. Anyway sounds like you've made some good resolutions for 2025.

    1. Oh I'm so sorry your dreams are tiring you out! I kind of like considering the things/people/places and activities in mine for a few minutes when I wake up. Short mornings are something I've become more used to, but am amazed to have woken up at 5:30 - and stayed in bed till 6:30 this morning (Sat).

  7. Turning points: that is an interesting concept. I will be thinking about that.
    I always wake around 7, no matter what time I go to bed. But then I get so sleepy arounfmd 9, unless I push through it. I wonder why? I allow winter mornings to be slow time, doing puzzles, reading blogs , Facebook, etc. It's nice.
    I think you do quite a bit, Barb! I don't know many your age who could keep up with you!

    1. I like the idea of slow winter mornings. I get the sleepies (or used to) around 3 pm. That was when I always woke at 7, but now I'm just a mess about waking. Thanks for considering me active...I'll try to remember that when huffing and coughing next time!

  8. Hi Barbara, Turning Point...interesting concept. We all tend to get stuck in a rut. In our case, my better half reads and turns off her reading light between Midnight and 12:30 AM. I go to bed at about 1 AM. Get up, watch the news, get on the computer. She does her smart phone thing, reads and watches streaming series. Dinner by 6 PM, then the news, something else for a half hour and then "Jeopardy". Sometimes we watch something on TV together...a series or a movie...and sometimes I just head upstairs to the computer or one of my hobbies. Rinse, wash and repeat... Plenty that I could be doing. Sorting through years of accumulated stuff, donate or sell what we don't need or use. Work on the family history and the documentation we have on hand. Sort through our thousands of hard copy photos and get rid of those that don't really mean anything. Plan a road trip for 2025, well, that's actually something I'm working on. What would it be like going to bed earlier and spending more time in daylight. Thinking... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Well, considering all the in depth research you put into your blogs, and all the travels that you all enjoy, not to mention blogging, I sure would consider that part of your daily routine too. I wonder if your daily schedule when traveling isn't different! However, I'm glad to know all the things you COULD be (no shoulds in my life any more) doing! We have fortunately retired form having to do those "you should" do things.

  9. Hello, lovely post, and you have a sympathizer about the sleep issues of being in the 60's decade. I am 67 and never, ever, sleep through a night; my husband is the same. I have begun having dreams again, but sometimes they are full of conflict and people chasing me. Bah! Might be better to not remember them the next day. lol. Before I sign off on this comment, I wanted to tell you I followed your FFF link, and your flower is lovely. I also have find paperwhites too pungent to keep in the house after they bloom. Even hyacinths, sometimes but not always, have to be put into a room with a lot of ventilation. I loved the pottery, are you the potter? I enlarged the photo on my computer so I could admire all the details and shapes.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.