As Open Culture shared, The Engineering of the Strandbeest and here's the YouTube version
12,419 Days of Stranbeest Evolution
I've been fascinated by these Dutch designs walking along the beach powered by just the wind for years. Now this gives us a chance to see just how they evolved.
It's worth watching a bit of it to learn the pronunciation of Strand Beest, in Dutch.
I wonder if the sun coming in the windows made these bloom so fast, and of course, be gone sooner. The heat is at the same level as it has been years before, when I had red blooms open slowly and last a long time. Mmm, it's been nice having their joyful colors for a while.
Sharing with Saturday's Critters
Not meaning to offend any Canadians, and the rest of us won't really get the joke anyway.
And the reverse of the card had my grand-dog's photo with "May your days be filled with unexpected delights. Just like Cody, who wakes Michelle up at 5 am! Who needs an alarm!
My favorite critter today...
Allysha Cartledge photo
Today's quote:
Just being here, being ourselves, is enough.
Today's art:
A Wild Life For Wildlife bronze sculptures of various endangered animals by artists Gillie and Marc,
Today on Open Yesterday's Pages:
Elizabeth Cotten and the Grateful Dead
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There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.