Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Project 2025 and climate change

Before Trump took office on Monday Jan. 20, The Environmental Defense Fund in 'Vital Signs' shared this:

We dug into the details of Project 2025 and found that its proposals would expose you to unchecked pollution, greater risks when extreme weather strikes, and potentially higher electricity bills.  

1. It proposes weakening current air pollution protections, especially from power plants, refineries and cars, while making sweeping cuts to the EPA’s expert staff.

2. Weather: Project 2025 proposes privatizing the National Weather Service, whose scientists offer life-saving information for those in the path of dangerous storms. And... it proposes breaking up the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, where much of the country’s research on climate change is conducted. 

3. Personal Energy cost: Project 2025’s proposals to gut federal policies encouraging green electricity generation and electric cars would increase U.S. household spending on fuel and utilities by about $240 per year over the next five years.  

4. It ...seeks to gut the Toxic Substances Control Act,” explains Sarah Vogel, who leads Environmental Defense Fund’s health work. “This is the law that gives the EPA the responsibility for ensuring the safety of chemicals that end up in our environment and our bodies. ... a radical call for severely restricting the role of government in protecting our air, our water, and our communities,”"

5. Central to Project 2025 is a continued dependence on fossil fuels, even if it means drilling in America’s most pristine areas and beloved national monuments. Plus, doubling down on fossil fuels is poised to hurt American competitiveness in a world economy that’s increasingly moving toward renewables.   “This agenda would make America weaker by undoing clean energy investments, surrendering jobs to other countries, and increasing pollution,” says EDF Executive Director Amanda Leland.


I watch Sunday Morning on CBS usually as a recorded program. This last Sunday was before the inauguration.  I'm able to go back and find the interview that was done Jan 20, 2025 with author John Valient, set in the recent California fire zone. His book is "Fire Weather - On the Front Lines of a Burning World." He speaks for nature by saying "I can't take this any more, what you're doing to me." He also believes the fires being experienced now are different than they were 10 years ago, but I wasn't able to understand how he meant that, just hotter and  faster. 

Valient was clear that all our new natural disasters were a result of climate change. He stressed the cause as being the CO2 that our combustion engines keep pumping into the atmosphere. 

Another climatologist, Peter Kalmas was also interviewed after he moved his family from Altadena CA to North Carolina recently. His statement that you can't escape climate change was poignant in his former home in CA having burned in the recent fires, as well as the NC disasters as a result of Hurricane Helene.


The Good news:

1. Voters in Washington state overwhelmingly supported keeping a 2021 climate program designed to boost public transit, clean school buses, solar energy, forest-fire prevention and more.  

2. Internationally, Canada, the U.K., Mexico and Norway, as well as the European Union pledged to reduce climate pollution, and 20% of the new cars sold worldwide were clean, electric vehicles.

3. A new study published in Nature Energy suggests electric vehicle batteries might last longer than previously thought. (As is, clean, electric cars are cheaper to own and operate than gas-powered cars in 48 out of 50 U.S. states.) 

4. Leaky, abandoned oil and gas wells can pollute our air and water. A group of researchers have started using drones to track down these leaking wells

5. MethaneSAT, a methane-detecting satellite developed by Environmental Defense Fund and partners, was successfully launched and deployed in March. It’s circling the globe, helping to detect methane leaks that are fueling global warming.

From Vital Signs "This Month's Good News"


RE: Trumps Executive Orders...

Perhaps most significantly to all human life on the planet, minutes after taking office he withdrew from the Paris climate agreements and ordered an "energy emergency" so his friends at Big Oil can keep polluting, causing cascading changes to our weather.


So what do we make of all of this? It's not the full-throated seizure of government some of us most feared. It's not not that yet, either. But scratch the surface and there are cracks in his plans.

It's not over. It's not the worst. It's bad. It's going to get worse.

If you need some alternative inspiration, we recommend watching the livestream of MLK Day with The Way We Get Through This is Together: Celebrating Community with Rebecca Solnit, Charlie Jane Anders, Anand Giridharadas, Bill McKibben, Liz Ogbu, and Akaya Windwood. 

SOURCE: Choose Democracy via Action Network Newsletter "Morning After: Hot Take" Jan 21, 2025


Today's philosophical quote: 

It is often said that at the end of our lives, we are more likely to regret the things we did not do than the things we did.


Today's Art:

Toroweap Overlook.  36” wide by 48” high, quilt top by Sandra Mollen

A flash mob presents Carmina Burana (one of my favorite pieces of music)

And from World News:

Did you notice how little was said about the released Palestinian prisoners from Israel? Finally yesterday's local news at noon gave clips of the 90 women and teens who returned to Gaza from being captured by Israel, in exchange for 3 of the Israeli male hostages released by Hamas.  An interesting ratio, I thought.


  1. His argument to retreat from pro-environmental issues was hilarious. Because China and India don´t care about this, either. And to let all the people from Jan 6th go free.... What´ll be next.
    Yes, Palestine/Israel was just a side-note here, too.

    1. I'll never forget that the hostage swap/cease fire was Biden's last day in office, (or second to last)...and he was asked after his speech by a journalist if he or Trump would take credit. Biden turned around to answer "Is this a joke?"

  2. Why does it seem that certain aspects of the USA have gone back 100 years?

    1. THe MAGA folks are concentrated on the lie that life was better "when"...and they think the 50s were great. Not very realistic, and it's so sad how they're going to have a rude awakening.

  3. I can only imagine, how much worse it can get. Down right scary.
    Love the canyon art and the Einstein quote.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Yes, it's going to get worse before it gets better...they all drank the Kool-Aid and will have consequences. We who see reality still must hunker down and resist as best we can (in my opinion anyway!)

  4. ...and the circus is in town.

  5. Replies
    1. Well, Friday Trump has said he's coming here to NC. I just hope his entourage doesn't disrupt traffic too much...and dare say he won't be standing out in the cold with some debris as a backdrop! If he comes at all. NBC news last night just said he's going to CA to see the devastation and to show he can change the water shortage and blame the whole thing on Democrats again.

  6. Hi Barbara, Yes, we are all in for a wild ride! Strap in! Lawyers will get rich as so many Trump related initiatives are challenged in the courts. The January 6th pardons, especially for those who engaged in violent or destructive behavior, is just plain wrong. Of course, I don't agree with the Biden 'pre-emptive pardons either. While I am all for clean energy and not drilling in Federal preserves and parks, I'm not convinced about electric cars. Mining the necessary minerals is dirty and destructive, the vehicles are much more expensive and battery replacement costs are crazy. Range is a problem and they don't perform as well in cold weather. The vehicles' purchase prices offsets operating costs of traditional vehicles. There just has to be a better solution to the carbon driven vehicle pollution problem... In any case, I wish that President Biden had stuck to his one term plan. That would have given the Democrats the opportunity for primaries...hopefully choosing the 'right' candidate...one that could actually have a chance to win! Oh well...now we have to live with the results for at least 2 years until one or both Houses of Congress flip back to the Democrats. Scary times for sure. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave - PS, CBS Sunday Morning is a weekly must watch for us!

  7. So much is going on these days that is scary.

  8. Some people are so stupid. They want to go back to the 1950s. It’s not going to happen as far as energy. We have passed the tipping point on renewables. They are saving corporations money, and that’s what matters to their bottom line.

    Meanwhile, vehicle makers know that the administration will change again. Trump probably won’t last four years because he’s feeble, and may even get impeached. His veep lacks experience and charisma, Big companies don’t want to spend years and millions of dollars changing the way they do business only to have to change it back again.

  9. Utter madness. I suspect the world at large will never trust the United States again.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.