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Saturday, January 4, 2025

Visiting and holiday lights


Judy's beautiful tree full of memories of her now adult children (who were here for Christmas with her.)

Cathy Babula made so many beautiful pieces of pottery. It's great to see a friend who uses them, as well as I do mine! (the large bowl has an intentional slant)

We had a slice of this beautiful pie, apple and pear. I've eaten a similar pie which was called a Scarlett pie at Whole Foods - they don't make them any more. Judy is a fabulous cook!

Judy's oldest cat, Max. We didn't meet the other two.

Vladimir Fedotko

Keptain, unknown location

Muffin, we had just moved to North Carolina

Sharing with Saturday's Critters


More of the road trip of taking photos of Christmas Lights:

A snowman from Frozen the movie

This sadly tarped house is the former Christmas House on E. Cotton. It was damaged by a wind storm before the hurricane, then hadn't been repaired when more damage occurred. So it is a sad tribute to what has been lost this year.

A memory saved of the Christmas House in 2022

Driving up a road with condos which had a few choice decorations

Many shots didn't come out because of the bright glare the decorations formed that the camera just shrugged off.

Teresa and Chuck's house. The Santa didn't show near the door.

She may just have to get a closer photo to show the Santa!
One more post will be the last of our tour of Christmas lights.

But now many of the decorations have been removed. Nice memories.


Today's quote:

Sylvia Plath wrote: "Everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt."

Today's art:

Three Grazien by Gustav Klimt, but I think this is just painted in his style...as I haven't ever seen it. If you know it is his work, I'll remove my skepticism.


  1. Hello Barb,
    I love all the pretty Lights at night and the Christmas tree. Cute kitties, they are look comfy.
    The pie looks delicious! Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy New Year to you and your family, I wish you all the best in 2025. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Thanks Eileen...so glad you are there, or here as the case may be.

  2. That painting doesn’t look anything like Klimt’s style to me. Your photos of the Christmas house and its destruction are sad, but the other lights look nice.
    Have a good year in 2025… mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. Good to know we agree. Why people make a site (on FB) with an artist's name and then post other people's things, just bewilders me. The other people need to know they make their own art, for which they may also be appreciated. Van Gogh is the other one.

  3. Once to see the cats. Do you miss them?

    Our neighhbour’s bright display is still going strong but not for much longer, I expect.

    1. Of course I miss my little furbabies. I'm so seldom out at night, it takes a special reason to go roaming.

  4. ...Three Grazien by Gustav Klimt, I'll have to think about this for awhile.

    1. I'm thinking not. But then I didn't chase it down the rabbit hole of Duck Duck info available on the net.

  5. It really is fun to see the colorful lights. We saw so many pretty decorations on our holiday trip. And yes, the bridge is still at O'Leno but in bad shape so it's roped off and not being used. It's the bridge in my banner. Happy new year!

  6. Dear Barbara, it was nice to experience your Visiting and holiday lights with you.
    A pie with apple and pear sounds delicious!
    We also had a very similar looking red cat named Max (Maxwell) - he lived to be 17 years old ( https://rostrose.blogspot.com/2021/08/rip-liebster-aller-maxwells.html )
    The painting "Three Grazien" is probably not by Gustav Klimt - I don't know it (and I think know most of my compatriot's works) and I can't find it on the internet either; I suspect it is an AI-generated image that was designed with the specification "in the style of Klimt".
    I wish you and everyone who is important to you a healthy, peaceful and happy New Year with many wonderful moments!
    Best wishes from Austria, Traude

  7. Thanks for your vote on the picture labeled wrong. The style of is really missing also now that I look closer! What a darling cat you had. I think Max is 18 now. That's how old my oldest was when she left me. Ah, our pets are so special, but live shorter lives than us.

  8. Sadly, we didn't get out to look at the Christmas lights this year.

  9. I agree with Traude. I have played with AI Imaging and there are several styles that emulate Klimt, Although not very authentically. I like the painting by Vladimir Fedotko. Must look him up.


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