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Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Art by Josephine Wall

Monday, July 19, 2021

Another lunch out

 Friends who have gathered following their work Saturday morning, allowed me to join them for lunch. They had had a good market of selling pottery for 3 hours, including setting up and taking down the displays.  It was fun to renew some old friendships with them.

Black Bear Restaurant in Cheshire Village of Black Mountain NC....

There was also outdoor seating in the shade, but we gladly enjoyed the air conditioning.

They have great hamburgers, but very little for the vegetarian...so I had a salad. Of course you can always eat a salad!


  1. I hope you keep on getting out and about and socializing -- at least a little bit.

    1. Thanks...it does give my life some uplifting fun.

  2. Replies
    1. I've been to three different restaurants in the same setting...it is a nice place...and I hope this one is successful.

  3. Nice to get out and enjoy some social time with friends.

  4. You must be doing better - another restaurant trip with friends. Good for you.

    1. It's pretty easy to spend $6 on a salad and get a chance to visit with friends. I probably will continue to have at least one lunch out a week.

  5. I like the bear statue, they look cute. Looks like a nice place for your lunch.
    Take care, have a happy day!

    1. There's also a bear statue (maybe the same) in our Town Square, which is about a mile away from this restaurant. Now I'll have to go look at the one in downtown Black Mountain.

  6. Getting out is important and I love salads!(especially in the summer)

    1. Yes, it sure is fun to see how different restaurants come up with different ingredients!

  7. Looks like an inviting place. I like the standing bear statue. Enjoy your day!

    1. It's a cute little statue, and I'll have to look at the one in our Town Square and see if it's the same.

  8. Hi Barbara, We've never been to Black Mountain NC but the Black Bear Restaurant looks like my kind of little place to eat. Burger for me...salad for my better half. As for pills, you only take 2 more in the morning than I do...and then 6 more at night. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.