Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Friday, March 14, 2025

Lake update and strategies for being informed without overwhelm

We had really high winds for a few days last week. You can't see them in this photo, but the lake was being refilled, just by the streams that come into it, and there were some ducks hanging onto the lake bottom to not blow away...well, maybe swimming, but headed into the wind.

On last Thursday morning we woke to a spattering of snow, but it graced the tops of High Windy better, while melting on my porch quickly,

My poor planters are waiting still for some spring flowers! With 2 days reaching the 70s this week, it won't be long!

Sharing with Skywatch Friday


Current events:

From The Conversation newsletter:

1. Recognize the influence of algorithms

2. Understand the economics of corporate news

3. Focus on source evaluation and verification

4. Examine your emotional reactions

5. Guard against propaganda

6. Stay engaged

Touch grass

While it’s important to stay engaged, so is getting outside and connecting with nature to calm and soothe your busy brain. Logging off and connecting with people in real life will keep your support system strong for when things are tough. Protect your mental health by turning off notifications and taking breaks from your phone.

Practicing good news hygiene isn’t just about protecting ourselves – it’s about fostering a media environment that supports democracy and informed participation.


My family album today:

Middle son, Russ with his wife, Michelle (far r) and 3 daughters, 2025 New York (with some source of red lighting apparently!)



  1. Spring is such a will she won't she season! Its too easy to plant out too soon.

    1. That's true enough. Days of heat, days of freeze!

  2. Great photos, the dusting of snow on the mountains looks pretty.
    Your family is lovely, beautiful photo.
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

    1. Thanks Eileen. Appreciate hearing from you here.

  3. ...lovely weather here, but snow could return any day. Be well.

    1. Thanks Tom, a little Scottish Hummingbird is sent your way!

  4. Here in Oklahoma we are already in the 70's but it is very dry. This afternoon wind speeds are going to be 50 to 75 mph and they are expecting lots of grass fires so it is going to be exciting in not a good way.

    1. We had a wildfire start from a truck that caught fire on I-40 up near the continental divide (many steep slopes making it hard to fight fires!) and it was put out with the help of helicopters dropping water...but I'm glad they didn't have strong winds to deal with also!

  5. Sue wants to pull the dead stuff from our planters, but they are still frozen.

    1. Yes, I have those dead things hanging from my planters, which caught leaves in the fall...nice and shabby looking!

  6. Good strategies for staying informed.

    1. I'm going to back off on reposts of these newsy things. I'll switch to just posting good news. Just decided that this morning. Ah, spring does bring about changes!

  7. Staying informed with accurate information is so much more difficult than it used to be!

  8. Hi Barbara, Great looking family group! As for the news, I watch a lot of it but just disconnect when I'm caught up, then I focus on some other activity. My spouse gets more upset with the news than I do...so reading and one of her TV series are a refuge. FYI, I'm back blogging as my fingers are now at least workable... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  9. You have to stay informed just to know what's true. Lovely family photo, they all look very happy.

  10. You have a lovely family, Barbara! I agree--too much news can be toxic. I read the NY Times online and thta is about it. We actually canceled our cable subscription, as the price was getting ridiculous, and now rely only on steaming, which means we reduced our TV time and don't miss it at all!

  11. That’s good advice. I’ve cut back my time on FB since it became so frustrating. It shows all sorts of stuff I don’t care about, and if I want to see my friends’ posts, I often have to search their names.

  12. Love the family photo!
    Those are good pointers re staying informed. I am feeling overload, so I am disengaging a bit. Not completely but being more selective about what I read.

  13. I loved your image of ducks hanging on for dear life not to blow away in the wind.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.