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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Barkly and the geese

Tiny Barkly greeted me while I was taking photos of the local flowers...dandy they were too!  There were no geese around.

Later (you've already heard the story of the 3 ducks) I also had some other friends who were quite well behaved...Canada Geese. Of course they're well behaved. And they didn't say a thing about whether they'd eat American grass or not.

There are two free libraries, one for adults, one for children's books.

I guess someone is reading all the adult books. Mmm, have to see if I have any to donate!

The good news is that the lake is again full of water. The bad news is that there was a dead duck by the side of it the other day. I guess it's gone to be tested to see if it had bird-flu.


Sharing with Saturday's Critters.


Today's quote:

An essential part of being receptive is to soften our barriers enough to let new possibilities in when they show up.

Today's art:

Maurice Sendak


 My family album:

Granddaughter Caroline

A prom dress. Mmmm. Grandmother wasn't in on the choice!

Caroline and her mom, Michelle


  1. Lovely Maurice sendak and the wild rumpus. Caroline is a beautiful woman, in a rather tiny dress!

  2. Good to see the lake with water again.
    Sad to see the adult Library empty in one way..I always thought that it was a book exchange..but good in another that books have a new home

    1. well, I do have friends who take books over to donate and maybe read, while others are tourists who find time on their hands...or just love sitting by the lake reading!

  3. Sue discussed granddaughters prom dress with her yesterday when she was dragging her feet about getting alterations done.

    1. Glad your wife is in on decision making, somewhat!

  4. ...grandmother don't get to chose.

    1. Nope, and the other prom dresses have pushed the envelope on her sisters as well. But sometimes they go for the long split skirt looks.

  5. I thought the decorated library was the one for children, it's so cute.
    The geese, well, gotta eat something!
    Your granddaughter is beautiful, but yeah, that dress. Why do girls want to show so much skin these days? Guess I am just old-fashioned, but the long evening gowns look so elegant to me.
    Love Maurice Sendak's books, so imaginative.

    1. You're right, decorated is childrens, plain is adults'. Maurice Sendak has some great art to go with his stories. Yep on dresses for young girls. I swear I thought I was keeping up with fashion as a teen...but it sure wasn't handkerchief clothes!

  6. That is a tiny dress!
    I like the idea of those libraries. We have one outside our municipal offices!

  7. Barkley is pretty adorable. Sure hope the duck didn't have the avian flu.

  8. We have several little libraries all over my town and I contribute frequently although my own piles of books don't seem to be any smaller!!!

  9. Barkly is cute. Grandmother, styles have changed. Remember when we upset people by wearing skirts above the knee?

  10. Love the variety! Barkly and the geese are adorable.

  11. Barkly is adorable. I love the ducks and geese too. I like the art work. Your granddaughter is lovely, wonderful photos. The little libraries are such a great idea. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great week ahead. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  12. Hello :)
    Your daughter and granddaughter are both beautiful women. Barkly is cute and it was nice to see the ducks and geese. I love the idea of those free libraries. We have nothing like them here in Portugal.
    Best wishes

  13. Barkly is such an adorable dog. Nice seeing the geese and ducks. We have some of those free libraries and usually check them out occasionally to see if there are some interesting books. That's is a wonderful photo of your granddaughter and daughter.


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