Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Good news, and not so good news

 This is me and Teresa behind me, about to start sit-r-cise on Wednesday. I did pretty well, considering how little action I'd really been doing lately. However, the story continues, as you may have heard, with an Xray of my chest the next morning, after a bad night of fevers, and again no Covid, no flu...but now pneumonia! 

Americans of Conscience offers this good news:

All good news

  • The Yurok Tribe lays 11,500 pounds of native plant seeds along the Klamath River.
  • A federal court rules that the president overstepped his constitutional authority in freezing most spending on U.S. humanitarian work abroad that Congress appropriated for this purpose.
  • Transgender service members stay on active duty as a federal court blocks implementation of the president's ban on trans service members while litigation proceeds.
  • The House reintroduces the bipartisan CROWN Act, which would ban discrimination
  • against individuals based on their hairstyle or hair texture due to their race.
  • Elissa Slotkin (D-MI), new senator and ex-CIA, critiques the anti-democratic actions of the current president.
  • AZ: A circuit court strikes down two state laws intended to suppress voters.
  • CT: The governor's bipartisan working group for Ranked Choice Voting is working collaboratively across party lines.
  • NJ expands early voting opportunities for primary elections.
  • NY: Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D) holds Know Your Rights forums to provide accurate immigration-related information to New Yorkers of diverse national origin.
  • San Francisco celebrates Women's History Month in diverse and creative ways.
  • Montgomery and Selma, AL host a weekend of events commemorating the 60th Bridge Crossing Jubilee and Bloody Sunday.
  • Rural organizers and grassroots leaders in the U.S. form the Rural Defenders Union to support under-resourced anti-authoritarian actions.
  • Across the U.S. and the world, scientists, researchers, and those who support science protest the current administration’s research-funding cuts, federal layoffs, and obfuscation of facts.
  • Principled artists–including Rhiannon Giddens, Renée Fleming, Ben Folds, and Shonda Rhimes–resign from the Kennedy Center and cancel appearances in protest of the president’s takeover of the board.
  • Pope Francis rebukes the U.S. president’s harsh immigration policies and refutes a close-minded interpretation of Catholic theology by the vice president.
  • In honor of Reading Month, 60 volunteers show up to a Michigan elementary school to read with third-graders.


So here I was, at the hospital from Thursday afternoon till Saturday afternoon...very well cared for by great staff from all departments. I had quite an adventure, got many tests and good news from most.
Here I'm holding a device which delivers cardio and pulse-ox info to the nurses station by radio waves, rather than having the readout in each room as well as the bells...and maybe another readout at the station. I hated it before I got it off finally, it was like carrying a kitten that was hanging by those leads stuck to my chest and I couldn't stand up without holding it (I guess some gowns come with a pocket for them)...and sleep meant moving it as I turned over all night.

Shows the places for the stuck on leads all over my torso!

 Came home on a sunny warmish day and couldn't get to sleep because of being tired and yet amped up on steroids. I'm sooo glad to be home again.

Stories of hospital life will wait for another post.

Back to my original format...

Today's quote:

Extend the circle of “us” to include as much of the world as you possibly can.

Today's art:

by Aram Hunanyan

and how it also reflects off an earlier potter woman in England,...

by Clarice Cliff, 1899

Family album:

Son Marty and granddaughter Cayenne, several years ago! She has graduated college and is living on her own and working a great job.

One thing that happens when I go to the hospital is getting to talk to my sons on the phone. I got caught up on some of the family doings. Need to work on more frequent calls. They are busy people!


  1. Hello,
    Sorry to hear you were in the hospital, I hope you are recovered from the pneumonia.
    Love the pottery and the great photo of your son and granddaughter. Take good care of yourself. Have a great day!

    1. Thanks for your good wishes, and I send back hopes that you also have a great day. Recovery takes time for this elder!

  2. ...Barbara, I'm so sorry to hear about your hospital stay. Take care and be well.

    1. Thanks Tom. Definitely being careful, since I heard my ex-husband took a fall and lost a few hours on the floor before being found. That could easily happen to me. But I haven't had a fall for years, so fingers crossed!

  3. I'm glad you're feeling well enough to post. And thanks for the Clarice Cliff. So much modern ceramic design originated with her without credit.

    1. Pottery/ceramics all is building on what's been done, or maybe pushing the envelope from the earlier work. We potters soon learn that technique, materials, firing process, chemicals even - all are part of the medium where our inspirations might, or might not, be shared.

  4. Barbara, distressing post for sure, but good news is that you are recovering and able to post. Best wishes on continuing to recover. Lovely pottery and family photos that you shared here.

    1. Thanks so much. I continue to have ups and downs. Yesterday (Monday) was a wash out...needed to sleep more than anything. Today (Tues) I am able to drive and pick up my lunch, but walking was a bit tiring, so I switched to baby steps.

    2. Thanks so much. I continue to have ups and downs. Yesterday (Monday) was a wash out...needed to sleep more than anything. Today (Tues) I am able to drive and pick up my lunch, but walking was a bit tiring, so I switched to baby steps.

  5. Oh dear- having suffered through two bouts of bilateral pneumonia I feel your discomfort! Lucky for you you got to hospital before it snuffed you out! It is wicked! Glad that you are back at home with a handful of antibiotics, I am sure! So sorry, it is a very mean illness.

    Always LOVED Clarice Cliff's work! Thank you for that cheerful reminder.

    1. There are still lucky pieces of Cliff's work around...probably at inflated prices. Precious! Thanks for your understanding. I saw the pope finally got to go home, and had all these news releases. Nobody did that for me, tee hee! But inside I feel just as happy I'm sure. Still have some congestion and now am having fun of spring pollen too!

  6. I'm glad they caught the pneumonia early. My husband got pneumonia and refused to go to the doctor until even he was convinced he wouldn't survive the night and I took him to the ER. Spent 15 days in the hospital.

    1. wow, that's so sad. I have a bit of trouble knowing when I'm that sick...but if weak when just walking around, that's nothing I have normally, so I called for help. And now the woman who helped me is suffering from allergies (as is another friend). Just breathe has become a deeper meaning these days!

  7. I don't comment much on blogs anymore, but I always read them. I just had to write to say that I hope all goes well for you in every way. Take care there. (NewRobin13)

    1. Robin, it's great to see your voice here again. I have many days when I haven't a thing to say to people either. I do appreciate your good wishes.

  8. It must feel good to be home. I hope the week goes well form here on.

    1. Me too, AC! Yesterday was great, though I tried to pace myself with the steroids...then crashed on Monday, and here Tuesday is so far so good. I might even do the dishes today (she doesn't have a dishwasher, nor a maid, and they usually are a good indicator how sick she is, as they just wait for her to get well.)

  9. You have had some trials. Glad to read that hospital stay was successful for your healing journey. take care.

    1. Thanks...it was really great to have medical care for 3 days and 2 nights...and I needed it. The big switch was coming home and trying to fit new drugs into my current life-style. Fortunately they are all done with today.

  10. I'm so glad you are home. It is exhausting to have pnuemonia so be sure to get lots of rest. And take things slow until you feel more comfortable. I'm so sorry this happened to you.

    1. Taking things slow is really important! I have a saying, baby steps, and need to follow it now.

  11. Hi Barbara, Sorry to hear that you have another health issue. At our age, they seem to just keep on coming on. Love the optimistic list of happenings but I'm afraid it will get worse before it gets better. Take Care and HEAL! Big Daddy Dave

    1. Thanks David, I do think there are some really good things happening these days. But like you, I'm pretty apprehensive that stop-gaps will solve all the major problems, and figure a big crisis of some kind may well be the way our changes will happen.

  12. Sorry to hear about your health issues

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hope you are doing better and have a full recovery. Take care!

  15. Plenty of positives despite the pneumonia..and no COVID or flu are also positives! Wishing you steady improvement.. pneumonia is no fun at any age. You are getting good care...I was a lot younger when I developed pneumonia...but had an uncaring husband who should have been ex- a long time before!!

  16. It sounds like you are in good hands. You take care!

  17. Thanks for letting us know your condition and also for that wonderful good news! I am actually feeling positive. Congressional elections next year! Aloha dear, feel better soon

  18. I am glad to hear that you are back home and recoverig well, Barbara! Pneumonia is no joke--I always fear getting it when I get ill as my longs seem to be my weak spot.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.