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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Saturday Critters

Saturday's critters:

Fox, by Jackie Morris

Lake Tomahawk was beginning to have water in it again as of last week.

  The black duck seems to be a hybrid of white and some other colored parent (perhaps mallards as they are frequent visitors here)

The photos above were last week, and now I'll let you see what happened yesterday. I picked up my lunch  at the Lakeview site, and planned to sit and eat it out by the lake in the warm sunshine.

As soon as I came near an empty picnic table by the Gazebo, these same three ducks appeared and accosted me. They were very interested in my bag with the clamshell full of my lunch.

As you can see, there was no sitting on that bench...and they started snapping at me, as well as vocalizing. So I gave the vocal NO No No back, in my own barking kind of way, stomping my feet (I didn't want to kick them, but neither did I want to be pecked.)

The gazebo floor made great sounds as I stomped up its ramp, and the ducks seemed to understand this was to be my territory...then they went around the other side, hoping maybe I'd feel sorry for them. Right.

When I went walking after eating, still carrying my bag, these three followed me. Again I stomped and barked, and they finally went elsewhere. Whew!

And the funny thing is the food I had would have probably been ok for them, corn, lettuce, tomatoes, but not the chicken or wrap of course!

I kind of took a few photos and came home to eat the rest of my chicken taco salad.

Oh, and the lake is almost full again!

Sharing with Eileen's Saturday's Critters


Today's good news:

Volunteer archivists recreate the Centers for Disease Control website exactly as it appeared prior to meddling by the current administration.  -Americans of Conscience Checklist, Mar 14, 2025


Asheville SHOWED UP to our town hall meeting March 13, over 2 THOUSAND community members told our MAGA representative (Chuck Edwards) how a lot of us feel about what he and the Trump administration are doing.

Photos by Neil Jacobs above

Screenshot of Chuck Edwards, allowing applause and boos, and trying to hear questions which were very critical of his Republican views (Asheville is mainly Democratic, but is snug within a gerrymandered Republican district).

Women's History Month honor: Open Yesterday's Pages, Toshee Seeger, Pete's wife.

Today's quote:

In the morning, send yourself love for the entire day and be sure to collect that love along the way.


Family album:

Grandson Michael and his girlfriend, Amanda.  2024

Today's art:

Art Critic by Norman Rockwell (1955)

For anyone who wishes to be my friend on Blue Sky, 
I'm at BlackMtn.Barb@blkmtnbarb.bsky.social


  1. Just thinking that we don’t see white ducks here, just mallards as a rule.

    1. I guess they once were farm-ducks...so I've been told. They went on the wild side...and now are in a menage a trois.

  2. Replies
    1. He said his Republican people urged him not to do it, as so many other Town Halls had disastrous results. But he said he had scheduled one just as Hurricane Helene disrupted everything here, so he wanted to give us (wonder which us he had in mind) a chance to speak. He's from a small Red town nearby Hendersonville...and must have known what he was in for.

  3. Love the fox art and the duck photos. I have never seen ducks act aggressively, only the geese.
    Cute photo of your grandson and his girl. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the art and photos! Have a great weekend yourselves...photograph lots of critters for us!

  4. You were wise to avoid being pecked. I've had my leg pecked by a duck -- nasty bruise. The beak has sort of ridges that clamp down, ow. We've had farm geese join the Canada geese, and next year little hybrids appeared.

    1. I had to think twice, to know these weren't geese. There were Canada Geese around, much bigger, taller etc. They weren't interested really. It's all the town's fault for draining the lake and there not being anything underwater left alive for the critters to eat. So they are doing what they can with new grass shoots, and little else around. I guess I could have fed them, but I have strong feelings about people who bring bread for wild-fowl, which causes diseases. We are also watching out for bird-flu in this area. Sad.

  5. Fabulous photos! Makes my heart sing! What a great gathering. It gives me hope for the future.

    1. Glad you enjoyed them. I've been noticing more and more Trump supporters, like many of the elder residents who are my neighbors. Oh well, maybe someday they'll wake up to knowing we're all Americans.

  6. Good account of the town hall. And I love the picture of the fox!

  7. Excellent photo of the fox. Great that people are coming out and screaming at the repubs. They can't even handle that, those big strong boys. :)

    1. Glad you liked the painting of the fox...and of course the many people who aren't MAGA nuts are quite disturbed these days.

  8. I saw that in my news feed and wondered if you attended!
    I am glad you didn't feed the ducks. Obviously someone has, and they will always bother one another.
    P.S. Cinnamon was standing on the blue metal planter, having knocked over the Wingscapes camera to view himself.

    1. Oh it's a blue metal planter...that explained that confusion. So funny that he wanted to see himself. I'm not much for attending crowds these days...needs of the body and all.

  9. Thanks for the good news. There is so much news that is just appalling and horrifying that I am hungry for something good.

  10. Those ducks were determined! Glad you managed to eat in peace eventually. And the lake filling up is good news.

  11. God bless the Patriots who showed up! To tell the truth and to stand up for our way of life


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.