Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Flat Creek walk

One  of the signs survived, though it was pulled from it's post holes.

All our waterways flooded during Hurricane Helene.
But I have visited this trailway and shared blogs before, HERE in 2020, and Here in August of 2024 when a rehabilitation project had been approved. I dare say not much had happened before September 27 when the third day of rains include high winds of the hurricane remains.

Sunny last Sunday and at least one bloom may be coming out soon.

Throughout the walk, there were tangles still of debris. And then this sad little building...not big enough for a house I think, probably a part of someone's home.

The leaning cottonwoods(poplars?) have been doing so all along. (Just look at the 2020 blog and they were doing just the same thing!)

The parking lot is on a slope, and separating it from private property is a bamboo forest. During school days the teachers' cars take up most of these slots.


Today's quote:

Which of us is not forever a stranger and alone? -Thomas Wolfe, novelist (1900-1938)

...and because that's a bit negative sounding, here's another one...

When we view life from a place of lack, that's how we'll experience it. Shift into gratitude and watch your world change.


 And for a more personal note. I'm going to share just one family photo each day for a while, until I get done with the stack that I have!

Number One Son, Marty

My oldest son and myself in 2018 in Florida. I appreciate seeing how I was carrying around that weight, then 2 years later had my heart attack, and have now (5 years later) lost 35 pounds, and 2-1/2 inches of waistline, yet still have the same shape! Ha ha! Being a mother means being somewhat flabby after the years go by.


Today's art:

Norman Rockwell


Current events:

If you are thinking today about how to help Ukrainians, here are some possibilities: Come Back Alive (Ukrainian NGO that supports soldiers on the battlefield and veterans), United 24 (the Ukrainian state platform for donations, with many excellent projects), RAZOM (an American NGO, tax-deductible for US citizens, which cooperates with Ukrainian NGOS to support civilians), and Documenting Ukraine (a project that helps to give Ukrainians a voice, also tax-deductible for Americans).


  1. Hello,
    It is nice to see the signs of spring. Great photo of you and your son.
    I love the quote! Happy Sunday! Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

    1. Happy to see you again this morning, Eileen. I woke up at 6, and rolled over and slept some more!

  2. Seeing your daffodils almost ready to bloom gives me hope that mine will soon be joining the spring party. It;s so sad to see the remnants of Helene, but nice that you can get a walk in. Nice photo of you and son.

    1. I keep seeing progress in clean-ups, and yet there will still be things stuck in the trees and bushes, which may be covered with leaves soon.

  3. ...bamboo will take over!!!

    1. Yes, a close neighbor of mind also has bamboo as a privacy fence to the road. At least it doesn't intrude on the pavements!

  4. Older age is not kind to the body.

    1. Well, with the only other choice to growing old, I'll take all the infirmities and just hope to have some way to continue.

  5. Thank you for the links about helping Ukraine. I hope your own surroundings get back again soon. It takes $$ and time, and $$ is scarce.

    1. Please feel free to share the links! You're right that money and time are needed. As people have said from the beginning, this is a marathon we're in.

  6. Thanks for the links re Ukraine!

  7. Excellent post. I am applauding! Aloha


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.