Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The rest of the Weaverville day trip


We stopped at "All Good Coffee" to split a vegan pumpkin chocolate chip muffin three ways, as well as our choices of drinks. 

We then went to another gallery, where I found some cute earrings that matched the necklace I was wearing, fused glass in silver settings. The first photo on this post is outside their doorway. We had to read a lot of humorous cards, and purchase a few as well. Then it was time for lunch! Oh yes, the bakery called us!

Just the cakes...there are so many more pastries, one can just go crazy.

It was difficult to choose just which goodies to take home, as well as our lunch choices!

My "to go" slice of carrot cake, which has coconut in it. 

We love chatting, while waiting for lunch to be served!

My tuna salad and African Chicken Peanut soup...I took home half of each for later. They had a combo of two sides for $8. What a deal!

Helen's noodles and kale salad.

Teresa chose the soup with a grilled cheese sandwich (Gruyere cheese) and took some soup home.

Teresa's adult daughter gave her heck because she didn't bring her some treats for her family (but Teresa did bring home treats for her own family for later!) Can't miss Well Bred Bakery in Weaverville, NC


Open Yesterday's Pages, my blog about history, featured a woman aviatrix you probably never heard of,  Beryl Markham.


Today's quote:

Jackie Collins, novelist, said, "My philosophy for women is this: if you’re going to get married and have a fabulous marriage … then you’re going to have to do everything you’ve ever wanted to do before you get married."

Today's art: 

Looking Glass Falls, by Christopher Guilkey, 2021


My family sharing for today:

Cayenne, William and Michael, children of oldest son, Marty. 2013, Tampa FL

Cinnamon and her daughter, Cayenne, by the back of her head, and pet Severus. (Stuffed moose is not known to have a name.) Cinnamon is my continuing friend, the mother of Will and Cayenne, and now Marty's ex-wife.  Riverview FL, Christmas 2023


  1. Great photos from your outing with your friends, lunch and the cake look delicious,
    Great family photos. Take care, have a great day!

    1. I seldom am quick enough to take photos of the food. Simple fare, but somewhat different than our ordinary meals.

  2. ...Well-Bred is a great play with words.

    1. It is, and it has quite a good reputation. I'm grateful for all the roads (interstate highways) and access that is available, as well as free parking this little town offers.

  3. I kind of stopped at the notion of three people sharing one muffin, but I see that you ate well later.

    1. Those huge muffins that are sold these days! Not at all like the ones I used to make at home! Cutting into thirds was my job, and just having a taste so we didn't spoil our appetite's for lunch in just another hour!

  4. Huge muffins- could be a great name for a band. Cut three ways, another great name! Now all you need do is get the trio together for practice in the basement- or the garage -and get an agent!

  5. Oh mercy, that bakery! I am often so gobsmacked by too many choices that I don't buy anything! Your cake, and your lunch, both look heavenly.
    I read Beryl Markham's autobiography, West With the Night, a few years ago.Fantastic read. I couldn't put it down. Her childhood was pretty incredible.

  6. What a wonderful and apparently delicious outing with your friends, Barbara. I was hoping to see a photo of that very large muffin since it was shared by all.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.