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Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Murals


Diego Rivera, Day of the Dead, Mexico

1933 fresco mural by Diego Rivera at the Detroit Institute of Art

Unknown place, by Diego Rivera

"at San Francisco City College. Diego Rivera, detail of mural"

Thanks to Facebook friends who posted these over the years. I know I'm used to posting art over on my art blog, but with time out for hospital stay, everything is happening here this week.


Today's Quote:

Bruce Springsteen said: "If I have a good trait, it's probably relentlessness. I'm a hound dog on the prowl. I can't be shook!"


Sharing with Monday Murals

Family Album:
EDWARD HENRY DeLOZIER II 1774-1858  My daughter-in-law, Kendra's 5x great grandfather

Grave marker of Edward and Frances "Fanny" Sarah Dyer DeLozier (1787-1860) Gerster St Clair, Missouri. Located in a field where other family members are probably buried, but their headstones have been plowed under.


  1. Great collection of murals! Have a great day and happy week ahead.

  2. ...Diego Rivera is a legend.

  3. Hi Barbara, Love your family history photos and stories. I find my history interesting too but even most of my immediate family doesn't seem interested... :( As for murals, so many small and mid-size towns are into murals on buildings in the downtown areas. As for me, I've always been fascinated by the WPA murals in post offices across America. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. I have probably seen that one in Detroit. It was a long time ago, but there was a big mural like that.

  5. Wonderful murals! I hope you are recuperating well.

  6. Great murals by a well known artist. I'm also into genealogy, and spend ages searching through online records. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Barbara.


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