Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Last Saturday catch up

Equinox (Ostara) feast celebrating springtime renewal (tomorrow)

First, a disclaimer.… I i’m trying out Dick dictating on my iPad. It doesn’t seem to like me. Abou about the time that I gave up and turned it off it finally typed what I said. Cell so apparently, that is what it does

So now to give a bit of background. I’m once again planning to travel  by air, and wanting to go as lightly as possible.

The test so far on the iPad has resulted in one whole post disappearing, but fortunately it was still on the laptop. I am having trouble with downloading photos with this program “Blogger” They are huge but I found a corner that could be pushed in.…maybe that will help.

But when I tried to open the saved blog on my laptop, which was stuck in drafts on the iPad, all the photos wouldn't open, as being too big  files. I think that's a waste of investment for this old gal.

The Bradford Pear tree near the tennis courts (and the horse shoe court) at Lake Tomahawk.

Canada you know who and some new animal write-ups for children, by the tennis courts.

The library posts these signs for children's interest, all around the lake.


So what’s new otherwise?

For the last few days I’ve lost my sense of smell and taste. Very frustrating when I ate ham and cabbage with vinegar and peach cobbler and they all tasted the same.…nothing basically. I sometimes could feel a bit of sweetness in the roof of my mouth. And of course I called my team of medical professionals.

The receptionist at the Dr.s office said I hadn’t had symptoms long enough to take a Covid test.…wait till next week.

Fortunately I also called the care coordinator, and he chased down that I’d had lower back pain such that I canceled a few things, and basically felt bad on last Mon. (this was Thurs.)

So he said, go ahead and come into office and get a good test, I’d taken an old one at home which showed negative. So I sat in my car while a nurse came out to swab me, and her test was also negative. Dr. listened to my lungs in the car, they were ok.  (But I’d dealt with cough for the same 4 days, however, no cough when I saw him) So I went home, as he said it could be sinuses or viral, and may just get better on its on.

But I did have a hankering (does anyone else have such?) for a bacon burger and fries. So Wendy’s provided, and the first bite of French fries was like a spiritual awakening.

SALTY! It tasted salty to me. I can’t say much for all the things on the sandwich.…but I did love those fries!

Next morning (Sat.) I could taste the honey in my coffee, even if the coffee itself was just hot water to me. So I gave Starbucks a go with sugar and cream, a little yogurt and a muffin, and sat at their bit of cafe in the Ingles Grocery for my lunch. No new flavors.…even cherry yogurt and my favorite banana nut muffin. Oh well. Now I’ll just wait and see the next changes.…

In the meantime, I drove up a new road (to me) to find more blossoms. (see ya later for these)

But first lets finish Saturday morning.

A grey day looking out my window (over the laptop)

How'd that get in there? Well, I woke at 1:55 that night to use the bathroom, and didn't see any of the eclipse. So this is what you get, and I slept through the rest!

And another Bradford Pear tree at my apartments.

Today's Good News (well sort of)

NOAA Side by Side real satellite imagery of the Swannanoa valley (and beyond, but that's what I was looking at) before and after Hurricane Helene.  Incredible. NOAA HURRICANE the side by side needs to be scrolled across so you can see both before and after for the same places. Amazing!



Sites available for your interest (some just North Carolina groups) Taken from Indivisible Black Mountain on Facebook, and no links were available, just names.

Call to Action Resources:
50501 national protests
CC4Democracy.com (card campaign)
*Resistbot chatbot that turns your texts into faxes, postal mail, or emails to your representatives in minutes
Friday Action Hour a weekly online gathering hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry of North Carolina, where UUs from across the state come together every Friday to discuss current social justice issues and take collective action on them; essentially, it's a dedicated time to actively engage in advocacy work aligned with UU values
Indivisible Truth Brigade
Lincoln Project
Women Forward
Common Cause NC
NC Justice Center
Democracy NC
Poor People’s Campaign
Interfaith Action Network (IAN)
Carolina Jews for Justice NC
UU Justice Ministry NC
Third Act NC
Red Wine and Blue
Mom’s Rising
WNC Social Justice Advocacy Guide, Ron Katz
Good Trouble WNC: Finding Higher Ground (FB group for women, modeled on Red Wine Blue)
News Resources:
The Atlantic
NC Newsline
The Bulwark
Asheville Watchdog
Courier News
Substack etc: (also found on FB, Youtube and websites)
Letters from an American,Heather Cox Richardson
Steady, Dan Rather
The Status Kuo, Jay Kuo
Chop Wood, Carry Water, Jessica Craven
The Message Box, Dan Pfeiffer
Popular Information, Judd Legum
The Contrarian, Jennifer Rubin & Norm Eisen
The American Pamphleteer (Lady Liberty)
The White Pages, Garrett Bucks
Enough Already, D Earl Stephens
Paul Krugman
Robert Reich
Tim Snyder
Rebecca Solnit
Ezra Klein
Victor Kravchauk
Robert Hubble

Today’s quote:

Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent



Today’s art:

Unknown artist.


Family album:

Young girls want to look glamorous...in 1929 my mother was 12. Or she mis-dated the photo. I tend to think a young girl might like to dress up and look sophisticated. Just consider how my own granddaughters have done much the same. (Which I'll share sometime soon.) Here she looks a lot like my sister, who also liked to look glamorous.


Sharing with My Corner of The World

AND sharing with Tom's Signs2


  1. Hello,
    I hope you are feeling better! Where are you flying to, somewhere fun? I never used my iapd for blogger I only use my desktop computer. Pretty blossoms, we are just starting to see the daffodils open. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. Continuing saga of taste/smell. Some are coming back, sweet and salty...and smell of garbage (thank you very much!) I've been eating way too much however. Hope to see my son and his wife in Colorado, while one other son is taking his family to Germany to see his college daughter who's studying abroad there.

  2. Now I am kinda craving a bacon burger with fries, but there will be pancake

    1. French toast and sausages at noon in the sugarbush.

    2. French toast and sausages sound good...and if there's a bit of cinnamon on the toast while cooking, I might taste it, or might not. Sausages unfortunately are not any flavor at all yet.

  3. ...pears may be beautiful in flower, but they are horriable trees. Over my 50 year nursery career I sold thousands of them, I don't think that they will let me into heaven!

    1. You're such a dear gardener's friend...so I'm sure taking many thousands of photos of beautiful things and barns, will help your tally at St. Peter's gate.

  4. Bradford pears are um, they smell of cat pee. Maybe it's just as well you can't smell them!
    Thanks for the Rumi, lovely reminder.

  5. Dang! Now I want a bacon burger
    I love the sassy picture of your mother.

  6. What a great photo of your mom! I hope all your tastebuds wake up soon!
    Our local Indivisible and a Rising group from the county next door invited our representative to a townhall last night. He did not show up but 200 interested constituents showed up with questions and concerns for him!

  7. Where are you headed? I've been able to post from my iPhone. on blogger. Taking the photos on iPhone means I don't have to download to laptop to post.

  8. Glad you are getting some taste back. I have had Covid a couple of times, but never lost my sense of taste. Wendy's sounds good. I do love a burger and fries.

  9. I hope you get your sense of taste back soon.
    I use my iPad for blogging most of the time and I’ve learned some workarounds. Still, there are things that I can only do by switching to HTML.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.