Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Thursday, August 25, 2022

It's fig season!

These delicate lovelies never make it to a supermarket. That's why a Tailgate Market on Saturdays is so special! I asked a friend to get me a bunch (a pint I think) and here they are. These are ripe already, and beginning to squish up.
So I cut up some ciabatta bread and spread cream cheese on it, then a layer of spinach yogurt dip, then the mashed up figs.

Next time I'll skip the spinach yogurt. It was a good supper though!

And today I had figs and yogurt (no spinach) for breakfast. Definitely a good thing!

An NPR article crossed my desk yesterday...worth looking at to consider the Racism behind the Jan. 6 insurrection. HERE.

and if only...

Today's quote:

There isn’t time - so brief is life - for bickerings, apologies, heartburnings, callings to account. There is only time for loving - and but an instant, so to speak, for that.
—Mark Twain,
in a letter to Clara Spaulding, 
20 August 1886



  1. Hello,
    The figs look delicious, your supper looks delicious. Take care, enjoy your day!

    1. I have one more meal of figs still...there are just 5 left, breakfast tomorrow!

  2. Somehow I've missed out on eating figs that way. My experience is totally with fig newtons.

    1. Which is a good start. But of course fresh ones are juicier, and just as sweet, no sugar ever needed. I didn't have canning supplies or I would have tried to put up some as a jam.

  3. ...plain and simple, America is a RACIST country.

    1. So those of us fighting racism are the anti-racist Americans...and there really are a lot of us these days.

  4. I have never given or gotten a fig.

  5. Figs are a delight. We have a tree in our greenhouse that is prolific. And a few weeks ago I had the best ice cream sandwich EVER--Fig and goat cheese ice cream between rosemary shortbread cookies.

  6. Oh wow, I haven't had a fig in years! How could I forget how yummy they are? Thank you for reminding me.

    1. I happened to see a pint in the picture advertising last week's Tailgate Market here...and friends sell their pots there, so I asked if there were any left, to please buy me a pint.

  7. Figs are so hard to come by and wonderful. Here there might be a single Saturday at the farmers market when someone has them.

    1. Yes, same here. They have a very short season...maybe 2 weeks if we're lucky. I have bought them quite green and gladly waited for them to ripen...but these were ready to eat!

  8. I haven't had fresh figs in many years and will confess to salivating a bit at these photos, Barbara. My preference was to eat them straight from the vine, but the cream cheese looked delicious!


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.