Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Lake Tomahawk being drained...lots of rain coming perhaps.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Happy (late) Lammas


A beautiful center for our circle of women...which included some loaves of bread to honor the Celtic feast of Lugh. And then there were wonderful flowers and sprays of mint to take home!

Some dancers who are studying belly dancing gave a short performance too.

Sorry the backdrop is just the nearby parking lot. We had to shift the circle a bit when we started seeing yellow-jackets or ground bees. I stayed next to them, not feeling threatened, but if we had happened to step on their nest they wouldn't have been happy!


  1. Love the dancers. I hope no one was stung. Take care, have a great day!

  2. I've seen belly dancing the odd time here.

    1. I took a class once (when living in FL) and it was different than what these women did!

  3. Lammas greetings to you too.
    The Lammas growth was early on the oak trees here

    1. I don't know the term Lammas growth on Oak trees...will see if I can find it thru internet!

    2. Ah yes, and I even saw pictures! Just new leaf growth at this time of summer!

  4. I love being reminded of the true seasonal changes. Thank you!

    1. Here there used to be many more farming people...now I do run into them at the Tailgate Market. But I didn't see anyone making a fuss over Lammas!

  5. Smartcat/Suzi here.....lovely celebration of Lammas. I am hopeful that we have one of our long New England autumns.

    1. Oh yes, and you'll take photos too! I love the Blue Ridge mountains in the fall colors!

  6. Barbara, I had to look this one up! Lugh was the Celtic God of justice, oath keeping and nobility as well as the sun god. This harvest festival goes by several names...Lugh, Lughnasadh, Lughnasa or Lammas. Thanks for helping me learn something new. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Glad you found out about the ancient holiday...happy to share it. Celtic civilization once went from all over Western Europe as well as Scotland and Ireland. Now it's pretty much based in the latter two. But some language roots were how that history was found.

  7. There is something about dancing outdoors! My daughter took belly dancing!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

    1. I enjoyed learning a little bit, but never to entertain in public!


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