Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

That pear tree and then some...

 Remember a week or so ago, we found blossoms about to burst on a tree which was similar to the Bradford Pears? 

Here it was...about March 17, 2021

And here it was on March 23, 2021

And as we walked off the bridge of the spillway of Lake Tomahawk, we saw some Lenten Roses...

And Vincas...blue flowers on vines.

And what look to be related to Lilies of the Valley also...not exactly snow drops either.

My friend pointed out that each petal had a tiny green dot right at the end of it. And they were usually just one flower on each stem.
I checked on "Name that plant" and it's...


Leucojum is a small genus of bulbous plants native to Eurasia belonging to the Amaryllis family, subfamily Amaryllidoideae. As currently circumscribed, the genus includes only two known species, most former species having been moved into the genus Acis. Both genera are known as snowflakes. THANKS Wikipedia!


  1. Replies
    1. I need to get that app on my phone too. It would solve lots of questions, which are long conversations sometimes.

  2. Hello,

    The blossoms and flowers are so pretty. We only have some daffodils blooming here. I love the Lenten roses. Take care, wishing you a great new week!

    1. The daffodils are still bobbing in the wind, our second day of stormy weather. Glad you all have daffies.

  3. Enjoying spring in other parts of the world. It's on its way north I know.

    1. Yes indeed, and we're due to have freezes next weekend, so our first spring may all die back.

  4. Yes, it will come eventually. Hope you don't get these severe storms (no damage here, but poor folks in GA and AL.)

  5. ...lenten rose is such a lovely spring flower!

    1. They are certainly hardy, blooming in snow often!

  6. Isn't it great to be able to find answers online!

    1. Well, I still haven't found the answer for the spice bush, or whatever it is...

  7. Love seeing spring there. The flowers are so beautiful.

    1. I'm enjoying it, as well as sharing it with you all.

  8. The blossom is nothing short of spectacular. It is such and important component of spring and so uplifting. I have never had the good fortune to be in a city where they have cherry blossoms in profusion, but I am sure it would be an experience not soon forgotten.

    1. I would love to see the Washington street in Cherry Blossom time...which reminds me, I probably did as a girl.

  9. I love the flowering trees. We have many of them around here. My alma mater has a famous Quad with many of them; for 5 years I walked through there without really paying attention to the beauty. Now I wouldn't do that, being older and wiser.

    1. I have a similar memory which just struck me. As a teen I went with a girls trip to Washington DC for spring break, and probably saw the cherry blossoms...but don't remember them.

  10. The flowers are so pretty and more will be popping up in other places.

    1. I'm going to be out this week quite a lot, since we're due for freezes next weekend.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.