Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Take a walk with me...

 It was a beautiful day for a sail...the little radio operated ones that is.

 They were actually racing! But with very little wind, it was about like watching snails race!

 They would come about, and then just kind of drift toward the buoys they were trying to sail around.

 These young ducks knew better and had decided to settle in the shade while those strange crafts floated around on their lake.

 The lovely view of The Seven Sisters Mountains over Lake Tomahawk, and the Lakeview Center.

 A very strange looking duckling/gosling that probably doesn't have a mom to look out for him. Nobody was around anyway.

Saying goodbye to the lake for a while. (I had to post a "back home" blog just to remember how I love this little town.)

Today's Quote:
It is vital to take action on your goals in life, rather than just daydreaming about them.
Daily Om


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.