Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Finally Monument Valley

A panorama before the sun set...

Sorry about dirty windshield!

A bit better with a rolled down window...

Don't bother taking any more photos through that windshield!

Just look at those strata!

A nice panorama where we pulled off the road.

My son and myself in a selfie...

My favorite panorama!

Waiting for sunset...but also taking some shots while standing around.

We watched the shadows lengthen...

That shadow is from the large mesa behind us.

The side of the large mesa, taken by focusing in the shadow.

And yes, there are a few sunset photos, but there weren't any clouds to make them very dramatic!


  1. ...a different beauty than what surrounds me.

    1. Yes, and different than my home in North Carolina as well!

  2. Hello, it is a beautiful place to visit, the landscapes are just wonderful. Love the selfie. Wishing you a happy day!

    1. It was a great visit...one of those "I wouldn't like to live there" kinds of places.

  3. What a grand and beautiful place to explore. Love these photos. And, I love seeing you with your son. Wonderful!

    1. Thanks...I am so glad I got to spend time with him.

  4. All the beauty surrounds you. What gorgeous scenery, thank you!

    1. It was definitely a wonderful experience to visit and take all these photos.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.