Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

You too can make the world a better place to live in

There are some things I'm good at.
There are some, I'm not so good at.

Today I want to speak from my heart.

I am so sad about so many things that I see wrong with the present government.
I am also mad that these politicians don't have any sense of conscience.

So I have voted to change things.

I hope you will also.

I'm keeping track of 30 things I'm doing in the 30 days in November to help the planet, to change anything to have a better world, and to make a socially conscious difference.

This is my effort for today.  I hope just one person will read this and be encouraged that his/her vote matters, and that the amount of time invested in going to vote is going to make a big difference in our lives.

Thank you.

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There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.