Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Friday, November 16, 2018

How many pot-lucks in one day?

I started off bringing a desert to a Thanksgiving meal at the Lakeview Senior Center.  They provided turkey and dressing (and gravy!)  We all brought the side dishes.  What a lovely feast!

 This is just one end of the buffet table.  Deserts are all at a different table.

Seven tables of about 8 each, there were easily 56 enjoying the meal!

Some of my friends were happy to smile for their photo.

I admit I bought the desert which I brought.
And I bought another one to take to another pot-luck dinner tonight! It's dinner and a movie at church.  I'm being well fed for sure.

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