Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Oct 23, 2023 showing some colorful leaves around Lake Tomahawk and the old gazebo.

Monday, September 23, 2024

Since I live in NC, I should post about Robinson

 He has become a national focus, as of last Thurs. news I got to hear what the broadcasters warned might offend some.

I've been hearing TV ads by local Democrats for months, which mainly focused on his and his wife's prior nursery endeavor which endangered children.

But then his past interest in porn sites and his quotes became available.

"... the big story today is that Republican North Carolina lieutenant governor Mark Robinson frequented porn sites, where between 2008 and 2012 he wrote that he enjoyed watching transgender pornography; referred to himself as a “black NAZI!”; called for reinstating human enslavement and wrote, “I would certainly buy a few”; called the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a “f*cking commie bastard”; wrote that he preferred Adolf Hitler to former president Barack Obama; referred to Black, Jewish, Muslim, and gay people with slurs; said he doesn’t care about abortions (“I don’t care. I just wanna see the sex tape!” he wrote); and recounted that he had secretly watched women in the showers in a public gym as a 14-year-old. Andrew Kaczynski and Em Steck of CNN, who broke the story, noted that “CNN is reporting only a small portion of Robinson’s comments on the website given their graphic nature.”

Source: Sept. 19 Letters from an American

He's been our Lieutenant Governor all this time? I've admired our Governor Roy Cooper, a Democrat who has worked with a totally Republican legislature and actually managed to accomplish some good in NC.

So Robinson is running for Governor for the GOP.

The Democratic candidate, Josh Stein, has lots of good achievements under his belt as our present Attorney General. He has been helping the Asheville area citizens deal with a local hospital which was purchased by a profit making corporation with the loss of many of the professionals who gave quality of care as a result.

As Heather Cox Richardson mentioned in her Letters from an American, the poor conservative Republicans are sitting between a rock and a hard place (my metaphor.) The GOP has gerrymandered so many districts (including my own in Buncombe County) that Democrat votes are probably not going to count...the Republicans (if they vote) will take the legislature hands down, and will have a good chance to put Robinson in the Governor's office as well as Trump in the White House.

"After the first story broke, Natalie Allison of Politico broke another: that Robinson was registered on the Ashley Madison website, which caters to married people seeking affairs. 

Robinson is running for governor of North Carolina. He has attacked transgender rights, called for a six-week abortion ban without exceptions for rape or incest, mocked survivors of school shootings, and—after identifying a wide range of those he saw as enemies to America and to “conservatives”—told a church audience that “some folks need killing.”

That this scandal dropped on the last possible day Robinson could drop out of the race suggests it was pushed by Republicans themselves because they recognize that Robinson is dragging Trump and other Republican candidates down in North Carolina. But here’s the thing: Republican voters knew who Robinson was, and they chose him anyway. 

Source: Sept. 19 Letters from an American

So we in North Carolina who support Harris for President, and Josh Stein for Governor will vote our hearts out. There are a lot of independent voters, and I sure hope they decide for the Democrats. And may somehow a miracle occur in North Carolina.


Today's inspiring quote:

History lives in and through our bodies right now, and in every moment.



  1. Wow, I hope this man does not win! Voting this election is more important, than ever.
    Take care, have a great day and happy week ahead.

    1. I'm so sorry to live here at this time. What happened to two politicians that present just different platforms!

  2. It doesn't seem to matter how low they go, others are willing to go with them.

    1. It is certainly a sad time in our history, that some of the men (and women) who are wanting to be leaders are so unqualified.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.