Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Beside the one lane bridge and more...

 Last week I was able to slow down when driving over the one-lane bridge over the Swannanoa River on Blue Ridge Rd.

The white jeep behind me noticed I was trying to take photos probably, and didn't push for me to go faster, but I didn't stop. So these are more 'on the run' so to speak. The goal was to evaluate the trees on that side of the bridge, which I hadn't had a chance to do before.

There's the derelict building which  was flooded over on the right.

Some new rocks have been added to stabilize the bank of the little river

Just past the bridge, looking back I can see rocks have also been added on this bank of the "river". It sure looks tame for all the damage that Hurricane Helene's extra water gave it on Sept. 27.

The Narcissus leaves before being cut to make Brigid's crosses. One bulb sits there without any growth, and there's a tiny orchid that's partially alive still in the same planter.

Each Wednesday at noon Bounty and Soul, a local charity sharing food, brings items like these to our club house and we can pick up what we want. I'm cutting that beautiful loaf of break for lunch, and waiting for the tomatoes to ripen a few days. Then I can add them to the bagged salads, which may be past their sell by date, but still looked pretty good. Potatoes and onion, I haven't decided yet what to cook!

Warmed up bread with butter and honey for a treat! I think I'll put the bread in some damp paper towels next time as that crust is really crusty!

Thursday evening some kind of decision was made. The new printer was here, but not yet set up. So I decided to change the format of my desk and moved it under the windows in the living room. Right now (Friday, 2/7/25 at 1:30) the sun is now hitting the windows, so I've closed the blinds. In the morning I had such a great view of the mountains, and the few neighbors downstairs who don't go out much. I figured out most of the printer thingies, and now (hopefully) can print the needed forms to get my IRS taxes done by AARP, which offers free service to those without complicated returns.

The work in progress... I've moved the plants around a lot. Hope they are happy on windowsills, as long as we don't have very cold weather.

Today's quote:
When we learn to let go, more energy flows and 
less effort is needed.

Today's art:

'Sunflowers and Coffee' (2011) by TERI STARKWEATHER watercolor


  1. I am impressed that you are both willing and able to move things around. Good luck with the printer, and enjoy your flowers, as you always do.

    1. Ha ha, me and flowers this year! The amaryllis didn't live one more day in its new place. So they would prefer not to move probably!

  2. Hello,
    It is good they are building up the river bank with the rocks. That bread looks delicious!
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  3. ...Trumpy Dumpy would be useless in your area. He's a wall builder, not a bridge builder!!!

  4. My desk also faces a bank of windows looking east. I have to have windows to look out.

    1. I can't believe I used to face nothing...and would turn and look outside whenever I came to a stopping point. Now I can be typing and looking out! Wow!

  5. The printer here is upstairs at Dan's desk not that I use it very often. I look west from my desk towards the barn and mountain beyond. The sun is so far south that it doesn't come in this window until summer and then it is bright in the afternoon.
    Good to read you're doing well.

    1. That sounds like a good setup. I'm doing ok, but completely forgot to go to the meeting at 1. I looked up from computer (I admit to being addicted) and it was 5 minutes of 2. So I guess that effort kind of fizzled out quickly. Maybe I'll call someone and ask to get the minutes at least.

  6. The water color , Teri Starkweather is astonishing! Thank you- warms my eyes with wonder. How such skill and sensitivity is possible baffles me- especially w/ water color.

    1. I love seeing accomplished watercolor artists. There is a bit of luminescence that happens with watercolor that other paints just can't do.

  7. What a coincidence! You mentioned Brigid's crosses and I posted a picture of one.

    1. Will have to go see what you're up to today, my friend!

  8. It's nice that you have a window view while at the PC, Barbara. Thankfully, I can easily get up and look out the sun porch windows as my PC faces an interior wall.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.