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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Ancient places


12,000 year-old Gobekli Tepe, the world oldest temple. Carbon dated to just after the last Ice Age. Urfa, Turkey.

An archeological dig which takes the history of gathered groups of creative persons back further in time than had been previously considered.

More recent history: Neuschwanstein Castle - Germany

I believe this is a taxonomy of life forms on earth

Manatees at Three Sisters Spring Photo by Emily Jung. USFWS. Some of the wonderful gentle giant animals around us.

Dating back 4,000 years, the Hingston Hill Cairn and Stone Row on Dartmoor in Devon

Inca  Archtecture


Closer to home: Met the maintenance man in his car as I came home from grocery yesterday. Asked him if he quit...and he said no, that was just a misunderstanding. (It's possible that he did and they talked him into staying, but he didn't want to say that.) (I mentioned how devastated the residents and I were when we heard he quite HERE.) So I gave him a tip, because he does have to be out following his back surgery. He wanted to refuse it, but I mentioned I'd finally gotten my FEMA check from loss of food when disaster hit...so I'd certainly already purchased food to replace it.  I told him it was from "pay it forward." Actually I have received that much probably from strangers who did the same.

Sharing with (almost)  Wordless Wednesday 


Today's quote;

Today's art:

Reconstruction based on the Original fresco, preserved at Museum of Prehistoric Thera, Santorini. Minoan Lady Fresco (17th Century BC), from Room 1 of the House of the Ladies in Akrotiri Thera, today's island of Santorini, Greece.


  1. Love the ancient places. Manatees are so cute! It is nice you are paying it forward.
    Take care, have a wonderful day!

    1. I've always liked to learn of ancient history, especially how things were crafted.

  2. ...taxonomy of life forms on earth should make us feel humble.

    1. We are but a tiny little bit, but think ourselves as gods.

  3. That tip was so nice of you. Whatever the amount, it means something to back the words up with something tangible, showing that the words were meant.

    But all of those dates! Don't you realize that the earth is only 6000 years old, and that there was a major wipeout flood 4000 years ago? 😉😎😇

    1. Oh my goodness. I have some scientists who might have more information up their sleeves...to argue the Biblical history. I'm currently reading the historic story of Jesus, an audio book called Zealot. Very interesting, as it does refer to the verses that were in the Bible as well as knowledge from other sources of the Judea of Herod's time.

    2. Oh my! I read Zealot some time ago.

    3. Well, you have certainly branched out from a "true believe" kind of follower, in my mind at least.

  4. Interesting thinking here, especially how humble we are on the taxonomic scale.

  5. So many different forms have come before us and new ones are still forming and yet we think we are the epitome of creation. I wonder if every creature who ever lived thought in it's own way the same thing about itself. And I think there have been earlier civilizations that have risen and fallen and left no trace older than the oldest we know of.

    Ancient wisdom. I've read that when we incarnate we chose the circumstances of our life on this planet this go round to learn the lesson/s we have set for ourselves. We are born without this knowledge because otherwise we would learn nothing. Like a rich man who wants to learn what it is like to be poor or homeless and so he pretends to be so for a month or a year but knowing he is a rich man he does not really learn anything or truly 'know' what it means to be poor or homeless. He knows he can stop at anytime and so never experiences the despair or suffering.

    1. You are saying things that I've also heard at different times. Interesting. I remember Ram Dass interviewing parents of a young girl who had been violently killed and saying that she chose this lifetime to experience these things. He suggested that soul had also been an abuser in the past, and might have wanted to feel the victim's experience. I have difficulty with that. But it is a theory that many do believe.

  6. Fabulous post, Ms. Barbara! There is so much perspective here that I feel the need to dissolve into primal goo. This life??? No big deal, is it? Our limited vision gets in the way of our actual seeing. But, you know, a paper cut can be a focus of entirety and we forget everything else. Minor annoyances take charge. Thank you for this post! i want to tack it to my forehead.

    1. Oh yes, the paper cuts in our lives! We should somehow keep track of how many there have been...because for those moments, that's all that is in our lives. Instead we celebrate birthdays...when our mothers actually did all the work! It's good that we continue to celebrate babies...and how each of us grows each year.

  7. This post gives us some thoughts to ponder. Paying it forward is a nice thing to do.

    1. I seldom think of doing it, except when I notice people struggling and putting some groceries back because they've gone over their funds. I have contributed at those times. It all comes out in the wash...as they say.

  8. Great post, and I do so love the "life lessons"!
    Thank you for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2025/02/an-ghaeltacht.html

  9. As much as we know, what the ancients did sometimes baffles us.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.