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Saturday, February 8, 2025

A new neighbor

 Meet Brandy.

She lives in the next building with her owner. Owner had lost her dear dog, Snickers, about a year ago, and had been volunteering sometimes to walk other resident's dogs. I'm so glad she now has Brandy to train and enjoy. She's a English Spaniel Setter.

As a puppy of 2 months, she didn't stay still for long!

This is how fast she was moving for this shot! With such little paws I don't see her getting to be as big as some setters.

And a shot of the original Snoopy dog with owner Charles Shultz

Sharing with Saturday's Critters.

Today's quote:
Your focus determines your reality.
- George Lucas
Today's art:

Robert Glen...Kenyan sculptor..internationally renowned for his dynamic and monument-sized creations - Irving TX


  1. I like your bannner. Cute puppy and the art is wonderful.

    1. Thanks. I'm glad to have your comment. Puppies do have so much energy!

  2. I don't know dogs well, but English Spaniels seem like a nice breed.

    1. I'm not sure I've ever met a full grown one before, so it will be nice to see her grow. As long as someone else feeds, walks and trains her, I'll love her a bunch!

    2. It's like all dogs for me. You do the work, and I'll be glad to say hello in passing.

  3. Hello,
    Brandy is a cute puppy! I am sure she is in a happy home now.
    The horse sculpture is beautiful.
    Thank you for your critter post and sharing your link. Take care, have a wonderful weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Glad to be part of your broad community of critter lovers. So happy each time you comment over on my blogs.

  4. ...Brandy is a cutie. The splashing horses is neat.

    1. I'm looking forward to getting to know her better...and now there's yet another new neighbor who has another new doggie. Whew.

  5. She sure is adorable. I would love to get a dog some day but I don't have a fenced yard for one to romp in. I sure love this breed of dog!

    1. I like thinking of dogs romping, and feel bad that they have just a few patches of grass here, and have to be on leashes. A walk around the lake is another way I meet lots of dogs.

  6. Replies
    1. That's true. I've always enjoyed meeting others' dogs, while preferring someone who purred and sat on my lap at home!

  7. The puppy has a lot of training to do before the human is trained correctly. :)

    1. Tee hee, well put there. People who have previously trained with dogs will know the ropes. No person naturally knows how dogs respond best in training. Those dogs have to show them how to do things!

  8. Hi Barbara, My better half would love to have a dog...but not myself. I love dogs but they do limit one's movements and many don't do well if you're not always around. I've also noted that many humans need to be trained on dog behavior before the dog can be properly trained. Love that fountain with the horses!!! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

    1. Yes indeed. People don't just naturally know what dogs have to teach them, ie train them.

  9. Puppies are wonderful to have around, and I hope this one grows up to be a good dog!

  10. What a pretty little girl! Yes, puppies do move fast! I struggle to get photos of Little Boy, who is now about 14 months.

    1. Catching them sleeping is about the only time, just like with kittens.


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