Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Sunset coming home on US 70, about to turn r. onto Old 70, which leads to my apartment complex in a few blocks. Looking toward Asheville.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A new neighbor

 Meet Brandy.

She lives in the next building with her owner. Owner had lost her dear dog, Snickers, about a year ago, and had been volunteering sometimes to walk other resident's dogs. I'm so glad she now has Brandy to train and enjoy. She's a English Spaniel Setter.

As a puppy of 2 months, she didn't stay still for long!

This is how fast she was moving for this shot! With such little paws I don't see her getting to be as big as some setters.

And a shot of the original Snoopy dog with owner Charles Shultz

Sharing with Saturday's Critters.

Today's quote:
Your focus determines your reality.
- George Lucas
Today's art:

Robert Glen...Kenyan sculptor..internationally renowned for his dynamic and monument-sized creations - Irving TX

1 comment:

There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.