Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Monday, December 23, 2024

The Solstice celebration of 2024


A pliable hunk of vanilla wafer crumbs, cocoa, ground nuts, honey, vanilla extract, rum and confectioner's sugar.

They firmed up in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then went in a tin to join the other deserts at the pot-luck. Salads and chocolate were the theme of the meal! 

All the women brought gifts to give away, and a dish to share. There were salads, and deserts mainly!

Some baked goods were gluten free also (not for me though). I was a gluten glutton!

While waiting for others to arrive, I got a good snap of the sweet tree in Linda's home. Here with Patty.

Linda, Amanda and Patty were ok to be photographed. I got permission to post their images here first!

After a meditation in the dark, we shared what places we remembered from before the storms. The central candle gave us the flame for each smaller one, with our sharing of deep feelings together. Our central theme was how the Asheville area had so much loss from Hurricane Helene last September 27. All the people, trees, animals, buildings, even mountain-sides had changed.  And we wished for continuing strength and help in returning lives to something closer to normal. But we all are changed, and it's a marathon of work to bring everyone to safe lives again.

I was thrilled to meet new women, though I won't remember most of their names. It was a wonderful experience to sing solstice songs which Linda led.


On Yesterday's Pages...


  1. A beautiful celebration.
    And the best of quotes..very true x

    1. It surely was a fun event. Quote? I forgot to add one.

  2. Looks like a fun celebration, with some yummy food.
    Take care, have a wonderful day and a happy holiday week!

    1. We all enjoyed it, especially a couple of ladies who couldn't stop clowning around at the last singing of solstice carols! Nope, I wasn't one of them. Perhaps they had more rum balls than the rest of us!

  3. Such a nice banner. Thank you. See my post tomorrow - if you like.
    You sure know how to have fun again!!!! And not forget.

    1. Every gathering has this element of sharing...we've become much closer by the "suffering stories." You bet, I'll be reading your post in just a couple of minutes.

  4. I love everything about this post. How I wish I had women to gather with like this! It's one of the downsides to living out in the country...neighbors are fundamentalists, so no one like minded unless I want to drive, because townsfolk don't like my road. Sigh.

    1. I went to church (Unitarian Universalist) yesterday where the sermon was on "Mary" and asked a few friends afterwards if they were part of any groups of women who talked about godesses. No luck. But I don't go as far as Asheville where the UU church does have a Pagan group (called CUUPS) which honors the pagan wheel of the year celebrations. I do take part in quarterly rituals here in Black Mountain, but wish I could engage a bit more also. Yes, your more solitary and serene living situation makes sharing these events more difficult.

  5. The celebration looks delightful, Go gluten.

    1. I was surprised how a couple or maybe 3 women said they were gluten free. I guess I'm not around many folks who need that diet change, so I was surprised.

  6. Looks like a wonderful celebration with some fantastic food.

    1. Thanks, we certainly enjoyed whatever Linda suggested us to do, sing, move while singing (14 of us in a tiny living room, but we managed) and meditate in the dark. Yes there were delicious things to eat!

  7. It sounds like you had an enjoyable evening with lovely friends. So important in these troubled times to be able to share and appreciate each other. Wishing you a very happy Christmas and 2025, and thankyou for visiting my blog this week. Enjoy your snow while we melt here in our summer temps.

  8. Wow! Nicely done! Blessings to everyone Present with Aloha


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