Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Saturday's Critters after Christmas

 Some animals of the season, thanks to those sharing  on Facebook

Elephant mother, auntie and baby

-Lennart Helje, 1940 Yuletide

Mary Engelbreit art

Result of living with black bears...my parking spot and the trash bin

red-tailed-hawk-flying-hunting unknown photographer

by Rina Khatun

Unknown photographer

Today's quote:

Gratefulness brings joy to my life. How could I find joy in what I take for granted? The moment I stop ‘taking for granted,’ there is no end to the surprises I find.


Today's art:

By Beatrix Potter

More art:
Peace Dove by Jackie Morris

 Hanukkah - a Menorah on a zebra?


This year I've shared many simple meals with friends. And we've dealt with some of the ups and downs of our emotions as a result of both our lives being disrupted by a crisis in our environment, and the election which promises to bring many changes in the next few years. 

I share an old watercolor of mine, which hangs in my bedroom. I felt (and still do) that there is a source of light which creates all we have around us, including our innermost beings. This is depicted by the amorphous shapes linked to the central yellow light. Then there's the blue surrounding them, with chevron patterns, which for me represents the emotional beginning of artistic creativity. The surrounding green is the natural world that supports everything we know, but it's tied to more cords, a set of two kinds, which represent the whole beingness as the duality of a personal shield. 

A shield is that which tells a story, as well as offers protection from negative energies. I also hung a little dream catcher that was given to me by a dear friend who now walks in the spirit world. I welcome her laughter whenever I think of her and all the fun stunts we had together.


Today on "Open Yesterday's Pages"

The Endangered Species Act of 1973


Chaco Canyon timbers


  1. The picture of the elephants should remind everyone that humans are not the only creatures that form strong bonds of love and loyalty.

    1. That's an important thing in our consideration of ourselves as just equal to all animal families.

  2. The donkeys are my fav! Soooo cute. Um, no, they are all cute!

  3. What a wonderful collection of festive animals and artwork! Each piece adds a special touch to the season. The black bears and their little antics with your parking spot made me smile! I invite you to read my new blog post: https://www.melodyjacob.com/2024/12/the-dark-side-of-tipping-culture-when-entitlement-turns-deadly.html

    1. Thanks for dropping by, and the invitation to read your blog.

  4. I appreciated 'author reindeer' and the 'cat and the gnome'. Have a good weekend.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the humor! A nice weekend is wished for you also, perhaps to take some more beautiful photos.

  5. Hello Barb,
    Beautiful critter images, l loved each and every one. The donkeys and elephants are adorable.
    I wish you all the best in 2025, filled with hope, peace and joy! Have a happy and healthy New Year. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy day and a great weekend.

    1. Thanks for visiting and your comment, Eileen. So glad to join with you as you host this meme each week. It does make a community, which I appreciate.

  6. Fluffy Jesus, absolutely perfect. Love this post of all of the wonders ! The upcoming few years could be devastatingly challenging- I will back track to your posts of joy and beauty to sustain me.

    1. You are right about expecting big challenges. I think communities of like minded people, as well as communities of actual neighbors, are the way we can make it through the expected 4 years...with the first being full of bombshells.

  7. How very cute, Fluffy Jesus. :)

  8. Thank you Barbara. I enjoy your whole sensibility. Thank you for sharing. Aloha

  9. Hi Barbara, We love animals, especially elephants, cats and donkeys. Chaco Canyon National Monument is amazing. One of the most amazing places we've visited in the USA. We are just on the very edge of bear country. We had one youngster wander through the area last year. The counties along the west side of the Smoky Mountains have the same problem that you pictured...lack of bear proof trash cans and stupid people who actually feed the bears. As the saying goes, a fed bear is a dead bear. :( Take Care, Big Daddy Dave


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.