Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! Lake Tomahawk being drained...lots of rain coming perhaps.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Saturday's Critters


A fun AI to share...everyone knows cats wouldn't sit still for this for any reason! But I admire the way the shadows are placed.

Built in the 18th century, this is one of the oldest buildings in Hattfjelldal municipality in Norland, Norway. It does remind one of the stories about Baba Yaga's house on chicken legs. 

A diversion, as you must see Baba Yaga's hut too.

By Jackie Morris

by Töpfer Tobi shared to Pottery Heads

Sharing with Saturday's Critters. And happy belated birthday to Eileen!

Today's quote:

When people are fanatically dedicated to political or religious faiths or any other kind of dogmas or goals, it's always because these dogmas or goals are in doubt. 
-Robert M. Pirsig, author and philosopher (1928-2017)

The Rabbits' Christmas Party by Beatrix Potter

I always miss this posting each year. Winter Solstice is on Dec. 21 this year.

Today's Open Yesterday's Pages blog talks about Dicken's Christmas Carol, and ballpoint pens.


  1. Fun AI. To longer days soon, pleeeeease....

    1. Not too much more of the darkness growing, just another couple of weeks or so.

  2. ...Barbara, you amassed some wonderful stuff today!

    1. Thanks...it's fun to have these handy when I haven't a new encounter with a real critter!

  3. Hello,
    Love the kitty image, AI did well with the cats and their shadows.
    The house on chicken legs is a cool image. Love the pottery.
    The bunny image is cute too.
    I like the last photo of the pretty ornament.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. Funny, I was just wondering about the solstice! You certainly have a rich rich curiosity that is very enjoyable to follow in your post. Wishing you a lovely, safe weekend. Aloha!

    1. Thanks, it is fun to combine images from all over here...and to read blogs too!

  5. I love the Beatrix Potter painting and the pottery from your area. I'm so glad the town got to do something festive after all the hardships of the past few weeks. I know it's still going on too and keep everyone in my prayers!

    1. Thanks, there's even a parade today, and fortunately it will be warmer than yesterday, for the kids on floats as well as spectators that are sitting or standing still!

  6. I think those cats should do a pack meow in the manner of wolves.

    1. Great idea...but have you ever seen two cats agreeing on anything?

  7. I am still having trouble getting my head around AI!
    Fun shots!


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