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Sunday, December 1, 2024

Happy First of December 2024!

 The dear bears that have been smart enough, and strong enough to work around the best contraptions that our maintenance man has come up with...even on a night when it was freezing...they played mayhem with our trash. (back in mid November).

See the chain and toggle locks on the lids? See the strap that was locking the tubs into the bin? No help...Mrs. Black Bear lifted them up, and tumped them over and found dinner.

Black Bear (from the internet)

It's sad because she may have cubs and they'll learn this is how to eat, and on and on. And of course someone will kill them, through no fault of their own because half the woods they call home now have these pesky people living in them. So they learn easy and nutritious people food, have more healthy cubs, and we people complain and take photos, but we just cannot figure out a way to co-exist.

Grizzly bear 399 and her 4 cubs 2020. No Grizzly bears are in North Carolina, they're further out west.

I recently watched the Nature show about Grizzly Bear 399 on PBS. There are also several videos about her on YouTube. I was sorry to learn of her death in an accident with a truck in October. Again, she is known to have interactions with humans.

Not feeling like going shopping, but I did stop on Cherry St, in downtown Black Mountain the other day. What? Another bear! I was supporting a local artist, and it was worth the trip, though I got tired going up the hill!

Speaking of flying, a skein of Canada Geese flew by outside my window...on the other side of the trees, where the slope allows them to be at eye level for me, and I hear them talking to one another as they pass by.

Rabbit rabbit for good luck this month. 

Sharing with Saturday's Critters a day late!


  1. Great banner and the rabbits made me smile.

  2. Speaking of geese, when we were out walking yesterday, I thought I heard a loud conversation behind me. Sue pointed out that it was geese honking. Not that there is anything wrong with my ears, you understand. 😉

    1. Great to hear that! I love when they fly by that they're usually having conversations!

  3. Happy December Barb,
    I love the bears, but I do not like to see them so close to humans and going into the trash.
    The rabbit photo is cute! I like the geese in flight too, I hear them flying often over our house. Such large groups of them sounding very loud. I was sorry to hear about bear # 399, she was famous with all the photographers and nature lovers. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

    1. Hi there Eileen. You have so many commenters to Saturday's Critters, I'm always amazed that you reply to each one. Glad you enjoy the geese's conversations too!

  4. ...Barbara, I hope that you and the Black Mountain community can enjoy a joyous Christmas season.

    1. I'm looking forward to December being a good month here!

  5. Fly like no-one is watching...yes!!!

  6. Wonderful new header. Welcome to the festive month and hope it brings lots of joy.

    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to enjoying December immensely without reason!

  7. So sad for the bears. We humans are the greatest natural disaster.

    1. Tis true, and yet we want photos of the wildlife. Bring them into our homes as captured pictures. We humans have maybe missed our chance to get back to being also the animals we are, homo sapiens.

  8. I heard a crow fly by, the rustling of its wings were wonderful.
    Bears are so very tricky. Once they get an idea that food is nearby...

    1. A very sad state of affairs. Hopefully by this week they've denned up for the next few months...and our garbage will be safe.

  9. No bears on our land yet that we have seen, but I know they are here. A guy a milebor so away sees them on his game camera. I dread the day they show up here.

    1. Having dogs should also make them more wary of your land. Keep all food stuffs well closed up and behind sturdy buildings, as my friend who use to raise chickens here found a bear busted down the shed door to get to the feed...as well as helped themselves to chickens in spite of electric wire fences.

  10. The way I learned it, saying “rabbit rabbit” to someone that means that I get their luck for the month.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.