Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

More famous people's Christmas past

No Scrooge involved...nor Dickens. But some old White House Christmas family photos. 

I posted them last year, but will just give you a taste today, and you can swing over to Living in Black Mountain Dec. 14, 2023  Here.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1960 

Bill and Hillary Clinton 1998

Melania Trump 2018

Joe and Jill Biden (no date)

Today's quote:  

No amount of regret changes the past. No amount of anxiety changes the future. Any amount of gratitude changes the present.


A special song by 2500 Montreal Choir members singing Hallelujah:

Today's art:

Cover of Vogue Magazine, 1914, illustration by George Wolfe Plank

Salvador Dali'

And for fun:
Carol of the Bells on Bowen Beer Bottles


Second night of Hanukkah

I saw the Buzz Bus at my favorite car repair place, R.T.'s Auto in Swannanoa. He knows I'm his customer, but I was dropping off a friend who had had some work done on her car. Of all three of the car repair places in Swannanoa this is the only one that survived from the flooded Swannanoa River running right behind them. R.T.'s is actually a bit further away as the river curves behind him. But they had flooding as well, just not their foundation washed away!

Oops, Santa succumbed to a gust of wind.


Just watched a fun movie "Fly Me To The Moon," on Apple TV+ streaming. The best part was seeing the real shots of Apollo 11 and the first men on the moon. The rest of the movie was well enough done that I didn't think it too much like "I Love Lucy," which is how I judge most movies these days. 

On Open Yesterday's Pages - my other blog:
Ode to Freedom a celebration of the first Christmas after the Berlin wall went down!


  1. I love seeing all the Christmas decorations. Your header showing your plants and flowers looks pretty. Take care, have a great day!

    1. Thanks. As decorations, you can't beat flowers and greenery of live plants!

  2. ...Melania Trump 2018. what a fashion statement!!!

    1. Yes, and many of us groaned at her pulling up the rose garden also!

  3. I think the Montreal Choir thing would be so stirring. Some of Sue's extended family once participated in a similar 'choir' in Toronto. What a thrill! I think I would be too emotional.

    1. wonderful to hear about someone who's been involved in something so beautiful!

  4. I hope you had a wonderful holiday either with family or friends or both.

    1. Thanks Marcia. I was alone but had many contacts with family and friends. Love having an internet!

  5. Lovely, thank you and thank you for introducing us to the choir! Aloha!

  6. I love listening to Hallelujah, it's such a beautiful song.

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I also liked the beer bottles...both were having a lot of fun!

  7. Those White House pictures say a lot. Poor Melania. Those sad, stark red trees.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.