Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Oceanic changes, post-hurricane news & Hanukkah

I just signed up to (sigh) another newsletter, namely Earth DOT com news. It will remain to be seen if the articles are indeed scientifically based.

 Collapse of the Earth's Ocean currents 


Here's a more immediate shot of how Hurricane Helene's flood waters tossed this semi-trailer on it's side in Swannanoa and the local citizens have decorated it to show their attitude toward survival.

Decorated-semi-trailer-in-Swannanoa on U.S. 70. Asheville Watchdog photo by John Boyle


And from the Swannanoa newsletter Friends and Neighbors of Swannanoa (FANS)...there's some good information on who is doing what after the hurricane. 

SGA [Swannanoa Grassroots Alliance] will be an active participant in the Buncombe County Long Term Recovery Group (LTRG) that is currently being formed. The LTRG will be receiving federal assistance to support the needs of individual residents and families as we move through the recovery process.

With the support of the county, SGA is also partnering with MountainTrue and other nonprofits on a community-driven resilience planning process for Swannanoa. MountainTrue has assembled a volunteer team of designers, planners, architects, environmental consultants, and structural and civil engineers to help our community envision and plan for a future Swannanoa that will be safer, healthier and more resilient. This process, which will include a variety of opportunities for community participation, is expected to kick off in early 2025.

You can visit swannanoagrassrootsalliance.org to learn more about SGA, and to access helpful links to information and resources for individuals and businesses

The FANS newsletter group is more than just a distributor of information which has included Facebook postings. They list a few of their actions, but I was most impressed by this one:

  • FANS is collecting donations for Hurricane Helene recovery through our website and social media. We're grateful to all those who've contributed. FANS recently donated $15,000 to be distributed through Swannanoa public schools to local families impacted by the storm. Plans are underway for another round of funding to support immediate relief needs in the community. If you'd like to make a tax-deductible donation, please visit www.swannanoafans.org, and click on "Donate Now" on the Home page.


Sixth night of Hanukkah


I want to say that's a cat in the tree!


Today "On Yesterday's Pages" blog:

Kindertransport to Paddington Bear


Lives Lost to Helene in the Asheville Area


The first discovery of other galaxies!


  1. Happy Hanukkah! Love the pretty lights at night.
    The hurricanes are devastating, at least the community comes together during these bad times.
    Take care and enjoy these last days of 2024. I wish you all the best in 2025, Happy New Year!

    1. As we approach 2025 with many of us feeling quite anxious about the security of our lives, as well as those who are most likely to be targeted by the "powers that be" - it's good to know that small groups of people living near one another, "neighbors" if you will, are likely to still know what's important for their survival.

  2. May the light of Hanukkah shine brightly. Climate breakdown is occurring with increasing frequency and ferocity. The future is now, I’m afraid.

    1. Yes, now is the climate crisis, and we can suffer more (as a species) for our continued denial (of leadership especially.)

  3. Good morning. The trailer is quite the statement.

    1. I sometimes drive that way, but usually go out of my way a bit to avoid seeing the continued level of destruction in Swannanoa. It will be more than a year I imagine before the stretch of US highway 70 is no longer so gruesome. I think that's partly because there's no town in charge, but only county and state since it's an unincorporated area. Oh well there's still the federal government since it's a US highway...(shall I laugh or cry?)

  4. ...we all need to let our light shine.

    1. The Jewish people have celebrated their holiday (though not a major spiritual one) longer than Christians have celebrated Christmas. But then you can ask the pagans, and they know about light remaining through the dark.

  5. That trailer, yes, quite a statement. I am amazed that they are still bringing in trailers for people still in tents. It just boggles the mind.

    1. It is surprising to me also! Each rain storm now there are warnings to not stay near any streams or rivers. At least the latest storms didn't bring major damage, other than washing out some temporary bridges on people's driveways. It's going to be a long haul, we've all recognized it.

  6. Too many disasters around the world.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.