Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Preparations and a blossom


Above from the net, below are my relatives!

More from the net!

Today's art:

Christmas Tree - Chadds Ford (Popular Magazine, Cover Illustration), 1922. W. C. Wyeth

Wrapping day at my house!


Making rum balls to take to a pot-luck supper! Yes I had a few tastes.

Today's quote:

In hatred as in love, we grow like the thing we brood upon. What we loathe, we graft into our very soul. -Mary Renault, novelist (1905-1983)

Santa looking at two sleeping children by Norman Rockwell 1952

What a beautiful bulb, giving so many flowers!

Stopping for a breather with 3 blossoms open already, on Sun. Dec 22, 2024!

Open Yesterday's Pages gives some history that O Holy Night was an Abolitionist carol.


  1. Wonderful post! To family-fun, great food and a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks, a fun time if we let go of some expectations, as I've learned. Hope you have a Merry Christmas also!

  2. ...always test the cookies before you take them to a potluck. Merry Christmas, Barbara.

    1. I finally pushed myself to give away the last of those rum balls yesterday! It was hard...then I drank a rum and coke and felt like it didn't make much difference if others got to eat the fruit of my labor. (And promptly fell asleep as I can't tolerate much alcohol!)

  3. Wonderful photos and memories. Your amaryllis is beautiful.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. I hope you have a very happy Christmas also Eileen. Thanks for your comment!

  4. Your amaryllis looks spectacular with great Christmas red too. Now, about that icicle tree ...

    1. Those awful icicles! Carefully laid upon each branch, then just as carefully removed and wrapped on a cardboard frame to be used again next year! So glad to have simpler means to decorate trees this year. And I'm really blessed with blossoms of real flowers here in my living room!

  5. What a gorgeous amaryllis. Have a very happy Christmas!

    1. I've always had just simple red amaryllis. And maybe 2 blooms on a long stalk. This one is pretty amazing for me - lots of enjoyment. Merry Christmas to you Jenny!

  6. I am in love with your window full of flowers!! Have a very Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks, it definitely gives green, red and pinks to take away the glum brown/greys of the trees and mountains outside!

  7. Flowers, art, family, and more! Lovely post, Barb! Merry Christmas!

    1. Thanks. It's just what I had around to post. I lost my post for tomorrow, so it has less than this one, I'd say!

  8. Hi Barbara, I love all the Christmas preparation photos and pictures. We especially like Rockwell illustrations. Grandma Moses is a favorite too as my mother painted a number of oils in Grandma Moses' style. Nice looking family prep photo...our family isn't that coordinated. Hope you had a Merry Christmas! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  9. You are flowers and your heart are beautiful. Aloha to you friend


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.