Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! I used to write several blogs, but thought just concentrating on one would be easier for me and my readers. Sorry, it ends up having several topics in each post!

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Flowers and Einstein


Our apartment office is in an old house...with wrap around porches and rocking chairs which attract a group of residents almost daily. The porches have hanging planters, so everyone can enjoy seeing some colorful flowers.

Today's quote:

"Time and space are not conditions in which we live, but modes by which we think.

Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, determined by the external world."
Thanks Albert Einstein


  1. I have some of those same flowers in pots and in one hanging basket. Mine aren't as lush yet.

    1. I had a hanging pot of those flowers last year, and they ended up dropping lots of dead blossoms. Now I'm back with geraniums, and they also drop petals all over the place. Oh well. They are pretty in the pot!

  2. Those hanging planter flowers are so beautiful. Love all the colors there.

    1. Thanks...I love these too. Haven't had any of the little yellow daisy things...they are really nice looking.

  3. ...those multicolor Calibrachoa are fabulous.

    1. I like calling them million flowers...but you're right, calibrachoa is the tag they have on them.


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