Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The first flowers! which often are frozen back due to their brash arrival after a few warm days in early March.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Sunny days

Yep, that's my morning. I can't believe that orchid is still blooming. I first blogged about its blossoms on Feb 7, 2020. And there they are.

Here's a breath strengthening series of Qi-gong exercises that I found, and have been practicing (after my nebulizer treatment to clear out my lungs...) I enjoy them. YouTubeQi-gongBreathing


  1. It is sunny here today too and will supposedly go up to 12C/54F. That is pretty good, and it isn’t too windy either at least not like the last few days.

    The light was nice in the last of our pics.

    We watch tons of British tv but the accents in LIverpool1 were very strong. However, we got through most of it as long as messages didn’t cause my hearing aids to keep cutting out.

    1. HI AC, I had 71 and opened the windows for a bit especially while the sun was beaming down. Spring is doing its thing to entertain us.

  2. ...few plants produce more flowers with so little work as orchids.

    1. I agree. I have lots of pots and some soil that are begging me to start working on my container garden for this year.

  3. I love seeing your orchids. I'm planning on doing a post about an orchid soon. Thank you for reminding me! Enjoy the sunshine!

    1. Oh that would be great, to hear what you have to say about orchids.

  4. The orchids are so pretty to see.
    Thank you for sharing!

    1. You're welcome. Glad to have beauty around us, just waiting to be found in each little thing.

  5. Hello, the orchids are beautiful. Lovely blooms. We had a partly sunny day today, nice temps. I hope your day is great!

    1. Thanks Eileen...it has been warm enough to open windows for a while here too!


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