Update about blogCa

Who knew all this would happen afterwards! The Flat Creek walkway has clumps of debris still, and lots of sand and rocks on the flats across from the paved walk (which shows no damage from Hurricane Helene.) However as you walk further up the creek, you come to the mobile homes which survived, or didn't, the rising waters.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Resurection of a plant

Just as it sat on the balcony in the cold for the last 3 months with freezing temperatures for many days and nights...but given some water, and the warmth inside...now just look what this amaryllis is doing! It's alive!

And I'm thrilled to see 5 more blooms on the orchid.  It continues to give such joyful color to drab days.


  1. My Amaryllis keep producing the long spear leaves as well. I keep them inside all year. But no blooms, after the initial bloom when I bought them, except for one that finally bloomed again after several years... strange...

  2. Oh I know how that can happen. But one plant once had instructions to get it to bloom, to feed it all summer, then cut the leaves off, let the roots dry a bit, cut them back, and then put it in a refrigerator in a paper bag for a few weeks, then put it back into dirt inside the house, and start watering it. So I did that a few years...and only one waited a long time before giving blooms as well as leaves. Good to hear I'm not the only one with amaryllis troubles.


There is today, more than ever, the need for a compassionate regenerative world civilization.